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“This morning after yet another fairly sleepless night, heart palpitations, vise grips on my head and chest, I called my partner and told her I could no longer bear the pain of doing the Release Technique and that somewhere out there was an easier and faster way to get to imperturbility. I was done with the Technique and goodbye. She gently explained I was doing the fastest program there is and my ego had a grip on me. I hadn’t been able to listen to last night’s class so I listened. I then released for a very long time, let my heart palpitate to its heart content, told the vises on my chest and head to vise away all they wanted, loved them and allowed them to leave. They lifted off and I was shot immediately to the most wonderful CAP place. I then released this for something more. It was just the thing I needed to place me in absolute certainty about the Method as I had been somewhat mistrustful and was not completely certain that it really worked. My amazing partner, in spite of my angry outburst, has agreed to our partnership continuing.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.” – Donna Martinsen