“More and more I am having my intention for this Financial Freedom & Lifestyle Course: I ALLOW MYSELF TO BE IMPERTURBABLE AT ALL TIMES AND HAVE AN ABUNDANT LIFE WITH EASE.
Thank you for your laser-like focus on giving every participant every opportunity to work with you, to directly experience letting go of wanting…and immediately having approval, control, safety/security/survival. It was a great help to me to work along with those willing to work with you.
Thank you for adding the extra exercises from The Programs Course exercises on July 10, 2012. The tipping point for me came when I heard Omer reporting his gains from using the extra exercises. While reading my operating programs in AGFLAPCAP from bottom to top on my completed exercise forms for IMPERTURBABILITY (total freedom), ABUNDANCE, RELATIONSHIPS, TOTALLY OPEN, HAVINGNESS, SELFLESSNESS, ALL LOVING, HARMONY, ALL POSITIVE, LEADERSHIP TOTAL CAUSE, (rather than effect) and RELEASING I started dissolving into causeless joy when I read my operating programs in Apathy and continued to dissolve all the Emotion programs as ridiculously silly comedy routines.
The Release Technique is now for me a truly easy, effortless and fun way to have an abundant life with ease. Sign me up for doing every Six Step dance event from now until there’s no one to do the dance..
Love to All.” – Dennis