“I am astounded! The moment after I hung up the phone after talking with you today, this is what happened, in rapid succession: 1.) The phone rang, practically at the moment after taking with you, and it was my AA sponsor calling to tell me what a wonderful spirit I have an how proud of me she is for doing all the work and showing up to grow! It was a great gift to my spirit and very uplifting; 2.) I went outside and my next door neighbors came out and told me they’re are moving and offered me their house, as they know what a horrible landlord I have, who has been denying me peaceful enjoyment of my house for the past 4 years. I have been feeling so trapped, this is a miracle; 3.) I went inside, the phone rang, and I was offered free plane tickets and vacation and a day trip this Thursday to Newport, Rhode Island, with my daughter to see a time share resort and get a free meal. I usually say no to these things, but, as it turn out, it felt right, and I want to do something fun with my daughter before she goes to camp next week.”
All this from the little bit of releasing we did together on the phone. I am astonished and delighted. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” – Kathy Caterino