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“I heard Larry Crane on The Wisdom Show and it caught my attention. I listened to a replay and released along with Larry on the call and felt lighter, more at peace and happier.  I bought The Abundance Course and worked with it starting August and released more and more and finished it on September. I was diagnosed with Lou Gehrigs Disease aka ALS in 2002 and left my job in June 2011, so I have health issues and money issues that I want to release. I am happier, more at peace, hove noticed physical improvement in my body.  My voice/speech is improving, I am able to walk better and I am building muscle.
I learned that when I clear/release stress, negativity and limiting beliefs my body will heal itself more than 2 years when I learned another method.  I have been clearing/releasing using many methods to clear my negativity and I have seen improvement but was still frustrated and negative.  The Release Technique is so much more than the other methods.  Even though I was clearing issues, I was still disapproving of and beating up my body.  I love the Release Technique, if we learned this as children we wouldn’t have so many of the problems that we all have.
I still have issues to release, so I am doing the Health & Fitness Mastery Course and The Change your Life Course.”