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“I just recently revisited the Goals and Resistance course. I immediately set one of my goals as, “I allow myself to have perfect health at all times with ease.” Since setting that goal a few weeks ago and releasing daily on it I have lost 15 pounds and my pains, especially in my knees, keep getting continually better to the point where they have almost disappeared. 

I also released on allowing myself to have $1,000 or more by releasing only. I got a $2.00/hour raise at my contracting job  which translates to about an extra $320.00 per month. On top of that, I was just told by my company they would give me a check at year end for just over $2,000. Totally out of the blue. So now I’m kicking that up to $5,000. 

Once I’m finished with the course I will move on to the “What I want to be when I grow up course” which I already have and really look forward to. 
I find the key is to continually release and drop the wanting. Just a few nights ago I woke up at 2:00 am with a strong clutching in my stomach.
I began hearing Larry’s words about letting go of wanting and to be imperturbable.

I made an immediate and determined decision right there and then that I was going to be imperturbable and loving no matter what happens. And that I wanted that more than wanting approval, control, or safety. Almost immediately after making the decision my feelings started leaving and continued leaving and I just kept giving my loving approval the entire time. After a few minutes I started smiling and laughing and then rolled over and slept like a baby for the rest of the night.”

With much love and gratitude,
Mike Manjin