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Health Testimonials

Learns How to Control His Heart Rate

“While attending the live class in Scottsdale, my heart defibrillator started going off. Larry started releasing with me immediately when I was on the floor. I learned that I can control my body with Releasing. This was one of the biggest gains in my life. I learned how fast I can go from apathy & grief to CAP.” – Michael Wysock

Experiences Physical Energy Without Sleep

“I have experienced a greater clarity and sense of safety to release even deeper. I experienced physical energy without sleep (only 2 to 3 hours) and a greater ability to consciously discriminate.” – Faith Kurz

Heart Improves 40%

“A year ago, I became ill and was diagnosed with heart failure. My cardiologist scheduled me for an echo cardiogram. It indicated my heart function was at 25%. I began using the Release Technique intensively along with heart medication. Within 6 months, my heart improved to 40%. I will repeat the test in 30 days and expect further improvement. Thank you Lester – Thank you Larry for aiding me on the path to health and freedom.” – Chuck Caamano

Dyslexia Disappears

“As a very young child, I was diagnosed with dyslexia and was told I would always have great difficulty reading or writing. For many years, I just stopped trying. After my third retreat, I was able to overcome my resistance to trying. Recently, I enrolled in a computer class and found I could learn it with ease. My mind was so clear and quiet, remembering procedures was a breeze. At 75 years old, I am happier and have more enthusiasm for life than when I was young. Thank you Lester and thank you, Larry.” – Mitzi Caamano

Learned to Heal Body

“After releasing on separation, I had a tremendous breakthrough. I feel wonderful, no image to uphold, no thoughts of the past or future, no doubts or fear and a sense of peace I’ve never felt before. I am content for the first time in my life. I have no thoughts, no sense of separation. My self-image is gone – there is no self talk. I have a tremendous amount of energy. I have learned to heal my body. I am living totally in the present. Thank you Larry and Lester with all my heart.” – Ken Traub

Dropped Seven Medications

“Since the class I’ve dropped seven medications, including antidepressants, which was a very big fear. I had tried it before but failed to get through the withdrawal. I released it, and now, three weeks later, I am upbeat and functioning well during a very stressful time at work. I just don’t have those old symptoms and have even forgotten the names of some of my six or seven diagnoses. I also have much more money to spend on non-medical related pursuits. I made $ 2,500 in gold investments in the past two weeks.Thank you Larry and thanks also to all those others who told their stories and asked for help during the Monday class. I gained so much from you all, not the least of which was hope.” – Sally Naylor

Cured Heart Ailment

“I was ‘8 hours away from dying due to an ulcerated esophagus. Between 1998 and 2007 I had 5 heart procedures to place a total of 16 stents in my coronary arteries, and in November 2007 had a pacemaker put in my chest. In 2007 I ordered the Release Technique. A couple of weeks ago my cardiologist’s office called to say my pacemaker hadn’t been checked since November 2007. At the office the nurse and the technician were looking at the year long graph of data they downloaded from my pacemaker. The guy says ‘Do you exercise?’ I said probably not as much as I could. (I don’t exercise). Then he says ‘This is the graph of a young person’s heart!’ (I’m 55). I cured my heart issues with the Release Technique and take no more medication. This is scientific proof that releasing works. Thank you Larry for continuing Lester’s work.” – Bobby Archambault

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Abundance Course CD Set – $279

Online Home Study Course – $199