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Health Testimonials

Effortless Gains by Releasing

“I’ve recently gained:
-Over $1,500 in unexpected income.
-Fell and hurt my wrist. It was swollen and purple. I released and the swelling went away, the purple color is gone and it doesn’t hurt a bit.
-Spent the weekend at The Waldorf with my sister and niece.
-Have enjoyed wonderful meals.
-Got to see Phantom of the Opera.
-Sales coming in online easily.
-I wanted to spend time with my sister’s boyfriend to make sure he was nice and he ended up meeting me at the hotel to make sure I got checked in ok. Then we ended up spending more time together throughout the weekend. I did not have to arrange any of this. I got to see how he interacted with my sister and niece effortlessly.
-I wanted a facial and found the perfect place across the street. Then wanted to have a nice lunch in an upbeat place and found it within a few feet of where I was.
-Everyone I met were so amazingly nice and helpful.
-On the plane ride back, everyone else seemed to be in a bad mood but the staff was super nice to me, the flight flew by and I released the whole way. It was awesome.” – Caterina

Gets rid of pain from old injuries

“My first releasing course. While driving yesterday in release, the top of my right foot began to tingle in waves…..I “injured” it 20 years ago and have not been able to so much as lightly touch this area without excruciating pain. It tingled for about 3 minutes. And I now have NO PAIN AT ALL in that area! I just gave myself a 5 minute massage on the top of my right foot without pain! In addition, the “symptoms” of an old rotator cuff “injury” have disappeared. All in less than 2 weeks of releasing as a “newbie”. Thank you. I love being in release!” – AC

Releasing Physical Pain Away

“After my first releasing course, I am practicing being in release at all times.  While driving yesterday in release, the top of my right foot began to tingle in waves…..I “injured” it 20 years ago and have not been able to so much as lightly touch this area without excruciating pain. It tingled for about 3 minutes. I now have NO PAIN AT ALL in that area!  I just gave myself a 5 minute massage on the top of my right foot without pain! 
In addition, the “symptoms” of an old rotator cuff “injury” have disappeared. 
This amazing gain in less than 2 weeks of releasing as a “newbie.”  Thank you.  I love being in release!” – Annie Cunningham

Effective Releasing for Positive Health and Financial States

This past week I have had wonderful gains.
-I had random body aches all over and released for over two hours and they cleared.
-Low back pain, and set intention to release and released on it and is clear.
-I found myself bored and stuck at work early in the week. I released and the next day had the most amazing day at work. I slowed down and paid attention to customers and released before talking to each customer. Each one was so much more receptive. (I am in sales and usually don’t get that kind of response). I was coming from a place of complete neutrality. It was so freeing!
-I set 5 trials in the past 2 days. (It’s typically two a month)
-I had three customers requesting proposals and turned two of them into three year contracts instead of one. (Just by letting go of being so smart).
-I released on an early morning sales meeting that I usually despise and was able to contribute both last week and this week from a state of beingness. I wasn’t even planning on what I would contribute but when I opened my mouth what came out was very insightful and helpful and added a new dimension to the discussion. My supervisor (normally not that complimentary) let me know how much he appreciated it.
-My boss emailed say that he needed to talk to me about a change in territory. I had two hours to release between the email and the call. I am a senior sales rep and I could tell he was nervous. I asked him about him and put him at ease. He delivered the “bad” news that he was taking two of my states and giving them to a new sales rep. (They were the worst states I had and full of problems). I couldn’t be happier. I let him know it was fine and we ended up on very good terms.

This is very effective! Thank you!

Constant Gaining of Positive Energy in Haelth and Finance

I continue to have personal gains and financial gains. I feel happy all the time and have a lot of energy. 
I took Rebecca’s health course and did the Health and Fitness Mastery Course . I am more fit and have had other health gains (got rid of chronic infection, back problem, skin problem, etc.)

Letting Go to Allow Joy and Freedom

I realized I was disapproving of myself as a means of suppressing my feelings.  When I let get of that, a rush of energy came out of me shooting out of the top of my body like a fountain.

I got rid of wanting to preserve my identity.

I went to sleep after the first night of ’30 Days of Giving Myself Approval’ and woke up in CAP and have been there all day.

I’ve changed my eating habits, learned to love exercise, and reduced my weight over 10 pounds.

My torn knee is fixed, I can run much better.

I am playing guitar much better, finger picking is coming along.

More sex.

I am calmer, more satisfied, and confident.

I got rid of an unwanted guy nearby at a concert by sending love.

There was perfect weather in Cancun even though rain was in the forecast.

I am generally happier and more free.

I feel much closer to God.

I have a true sense of health — it is vital to be happy and joyous at all times.

Releasing has helped save my marriage and turned my relationship with my step-son around.

I realized that when I “allow all feelings to come up and leave” it really means to let the energy of life freely pass through me.

Unlimited Abundance

“I’m thrilled to report a gain! On Saturdays I clean house for a retired handicapped couple. This past Saturday, the 28th, I went to clean and make them lunch as usual. I hadn’t been there the previous 2 Saturdays because I had a terrible cold (which was odd because I am rarely ever sick), and I didn’t want to spread any cold germs to them. When I was about finished and readying to leave, they paid me by check as usual.They handed me 3 checks. I asked What’s this? And they said, “Oh didn’t you know you had accumulated some sick time?” They smiled and said, You deserve it Rocky, we’re so happy you’re feeling better.”  I was absolutely blown away! Made me want to cry!  I have worked so, so hard in so many ways to get past and get out of me the garbage of a 6 and half year abusive relationship. I’ve been doing the abundance course, and this 30 day…and little by little good things have been happening for me. It’s been such a long time since I’ve known true kindness from another, from total strangers even…..genuinely kind words, kind gestures of appreciation, gifts! It’s so wonderful! And I am allowing it! And I now have a very sweet, kind, caring man interested in dating me! I’m blown away! I almost don’t even know how to behave having a man be so caring to me! It’s truly wonderful. I’m very grateful.

Thank you, Larry. My intention is to blow the roof off! And be unlimited!”
Best to you,
Roxanne Redfield

Worthy Days & Restful Nights

“I have been seeking help from different counselors and therapists for over 20 years. The Release Technique and Larry’s classes are the first things that helped me.

Now, for the first time in 30+ years I feel life is worth living. Ever since the very first lesson I’ve been able to sleep through the night very well. Every morning I wake up feeling rested and peaceful. This is truly amazing considering I haven’t slept well in almost five years, since my husband passed away. All Thanks to the Release Technique. It’s easy and fun to do!” – EPL


“As I have released and moved into love, my business partner has completely changed. My life has completely changed for that matter. It has become more harmonious. More satisfactory. More loving and peaceful. Love is like the grease of an engine. Very nice!” – Ramin Baranpourian

Safely Sleeping

“This coursework has helped me uncover a lifelong issue regarding sleeping. For the first time in my life I NOW know that I can be SAFE while sleeping. Thank you so very much for the courses you offer and your dedication to continuing to share the method! This is my biggest gain! Thank you Larry and Lester!!!” – Francesca Girrard

The Healing Power of Love

“I am experiencing the healing power of love. When you say try it for checking you are right. Last Friday I fell on Ice and hurt my backside. I hit it very hard. I started to do the release technique. The friend I was with says you should go and see a doctor have an xray. I said I have my own doctor, The Release Technique.

I noticed when I was in AGFLAP, the pain intensity increased and then when I got to courage and acceptance the level of pain decreased. When I send love, love myself, and approve of myself, the pain disappears. It now feels a lot better and I am practicing giving myself love all the time.
The side benefits are I am attracting more good to me.”

Thank you. PEACE.

Weight Loss Releasing

“I lost almost 200lb in seven years and went from a size 60 to a size 44; no diet, no pills, just by releasing. Thanks Larry!” – Roch Labelle

Releasing Control

“A while back, my hand began to shake uncontrollably.  It came to mind that I am now the same age as my father when he experienced this hand shaking activity.  My father’s doctor diagnosed it as Parkinson’s and prescribed medication.  I am as grateful today as I was back then for the doctor’s assistance in improving my father’s quality of life.
However, I purposefully choose not to go the route of doctors and medication.  I have an abundant set of Releasing tools available for my use.  I’ve noticed that when my hand shakes, I’m not in CAP and I’m not Releasing.  This shaking thing has been a blessing to my life.  It reminds me to continue my Releasing momentum.  On the rare occasion when it now happens, I immediately go to CAP and start Releasing.  Of course, the shaking goes away; it leaves with my love and my permission.  And an added benefit is that I get to stay in CAP and continue Releasing.   
I thank you for taking your time and effort to make the Releasing Technique available to people.  I also find the Wednesday teleconferences are extremely beneficial.  It is an important tool for me in maintaining momentum and staying in contact with the Releasing community.  Again, thank you for your unflagging service to all of the Release graduates.” -Jerry Lazar

No Longer Needs Hearing Aids

I no longer need hearing aids. Everyone you see is a mirror. You are looking at yourself through their eyes. Everything you see or feel in them is actually in you. Many people new to the course made tremendous progress. All past ‘should haves’ or regrets do not count. I now have the chance for the greatest accomplishment of my life – going free.” – Craig Hauss

No More Allergy Injections!

“Since being introduce to the Method, the gains and benefits I have received are quite significant. I no longer have a need to take allergy injections, which I have taken over 15 years. I find myself more relaxed and at peace. My relationship with my wife has improved greatly. Thank you, Larry, thank you, Lester, for showing me the path to freedom, abundance and happiness. Keep up the great work!” – Charles Caamano

25 Years of Physical Suffering Disappears

“It truly is a wonder whatI have been to accomplish with my body by using the Release Technique. For over 25 years I have been “chiropracticly” challenged. Throughout that time I have had to use either aspirin, ice packs on the neck, an analgesic or a combination thereof. I have also seen a chiropractor anywhere from once a month to twice a week. Couldn’t hold an adjustment. Also, I was getting up 5-6 times a night to go to the bathroom. From the instant the Release Technique was applied things have improved. It has now been 5 weeks since seeing the chiropractor. Waking up in the night to go to the bathroom has greatly decreased. A couple nights I have only gotten up once!” – Joel Pozen

Chron’s Disease Gone

“I graduated from the Abundance Course a few months ago. I’ve suffered from Crohn’s disease for 13 years, had numerous flare-ups and not been able to stop taking the strong and damaging medication that keeps it at bay. Since starting the course I’ve had no symptoms, which is great as I’ve had at least one symptom a day everyday for 13 years! And now I am drug-free! I have never released on my health as a goal, but releasing on everything that comes at me seems to have had a strong impact on my condition. Next up: to freedom and beyond.” – Graham Rix

Big Health Gains

“My digestive problems resolved themselves the first night here. By the end of the week, my insomnia was gong. A two and a half year struggle with infections in my upper and lower jaws and chronically congested lymph glands, tonsils and adenoids literally drained away by weeks end. I look forward to realizing full health. The releasing was extremely empowering and positive. I have watched the fears that have crippled my life for 50 years disappear. I have a lot of work yet to do, but I now have the tools and just as important, the self-approval and confidence I need to achieve my goals and attain total abundance. I thank you, Larry, with all my heart for carrying on Lester’s work.”

Sleeps Without Drugs

“Finally, lovely sleep, without drugs, after many months and diminished spells of anxiety.” – Patrick Simpson

Stroke Recovery

“I went to bed Tuesday night with 75% recovery from my stroke (of December 2005). I woke up Wednesday morning with 90-95% recovery — I suddendly felt much stronger, more stable. The next day I was having lunch at a Columbian restaurant in my neighborhood. They had salsa music playing on their sound system and I found myself foot tapping and shoulder shaking to the music. Suddenly I realized that I felt like my old self! Releasing is moving me rapidly to 100% health, happiness and well being. Thank you Larry, thank you Lester for this wonderful technique!” – Patty Duke

Abundance Course Products

Two Options to Learn the Abundance Course

Abundance Course CD Set – $279

Online Home Study Course – $199