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Health Testimonials

Clearing Stress and Negativity to Find Positivity and Improvement

“I heard Larry Crane on The Wisdom Show and it caught my attention. I listened to a replay and released along with Larry on the call and felt lighter, more at peace and happier.  I bought The Abundance Course and worked with it starting August and released more and more and finished it on September. I was diagnosed with Lou Gehrigs Disease aka ALS in 2002 and left my job in June 2011, so I have health issues and money issues that I want to release. I am happier, more at peace, hove noticed physical improvement in my body.  My voice/speech is improving, I am able to walk better and I am building muscle.
I learned that when I clear/release stress, negativity and limiting beliefs my body will heal itself more than 2 years when I learned another method.  I have been clearing/releasing using many methods to clear my negativity and I have seen improvement but was still frustrated and negative.  The Release Technique is so much more than the other methods.  Even though I was clearing issues, I was still disapproving of and beating up my body.  I love the Release Technique, if we learned this as children we wouldn’t have so many of the problems that we all have.
I still have issues to release, so I am doing the Health & Fitness Mastery Course and The Change your Life Course.”

Releasing Always Brings Answers

“I’ve had The Abundance Course for about two months now and I’ve listened to all the CDs at least twice and most of the bonuses even more often.  The first week I had the course my pocket was picked at a Walmart store.  There was about $400 in cash, 3 credit cards, my driver’s license, Medicare and other ID information in it.  I immediately started releasing on wanting safety and security.  After all, there was enough information in there to steal my identity, not to mention the potential for home invasion, etc.  I continued to release for two weeks and eventually was notified that my wallet had been turned it.  All the cash was missing, but everything else was there.  So I consider it a substantial gain even though I lost some money.

Next, I’ve been diagnosed with an extremely painful and potentially fatal condition that I’ve been dealing with for about nine years.  Although it’s been pretty much under control, I do get flare-ups from time to time that are very painful and usually last indefinitely until I do something drastic like have an infusion of a chemo drug in a medical facility for several hours at a time.  Such a flare happened just before the CYL telecourse last week.  I did some releasing on it and, voila! – It went away in a day instead of… whenever.  To me it was miraculous. I still have a number of physical things to deal with and I love them to death and allow them to leave or stay daily.

Aside from that, during the week of the telecourse I happened to be going through a pile of mail that I had been putting off for a number of weeks (ever do that?) and I found three checks from my health insurance company which I was to use in paying some medical bills that they hadn’t paid.  Not only that, but my income tax refund came in and a contractor for whom I had done some work sent me a reimbursement check for materials I used on his job.  It all added up to around $700.  Although none of it was “new” money, in other words it was all my money in the first place, I still consider it a gain since it all happened as I was releasing.

On another note, you may be aware of the trouble I’ve been having accessing the telephone sessions.  I have no trouble getting through to Maestro.  They always answer my calls immediately, but from then on it’s a fiasco getting on the calls.  This goes for the Wednesday night calls as well as the telecourse calls.  This past Wednesday I tried for fifteen minutes getting the same three messages; 1.) my pin number is invalid or not recognized and I need to re-enter it only to be denied again, 2.) there is no conference scheduled at this time, and 3.) I’m connected but I’m the only one in the conference room.  Since it worked the week before, I tried re-registering to get a new, and hopefully recognizable, pin number.  This finally worked even though Larry has said that we only have to register once and it would be good for all the Wed. night calls.  Last night I wanted to get on the follow up call to the CYL telecourse.  Again, I tried getting on for about fifteen minutes.  After a while it dawned on me — Maybe I’m trying to control the situation.  So before trying it again I decided to release on it.  I let go of wanting to control the situation, and wouldn’t you know it… on my first try I got on the call.  I said to myself, “I’ve got to tell Larry about this.”  So when he asked for more gains I pushed the “1” button on my phone, but evidently it didn’t register over there because he just kept being bewildered that no one was responding to his requests.  Maybe Maestro is not working all that well.  Maybe other callers are having the same trouble. Maybe someone at Maestro or at The Release Technique should do some releasing to get it to work properly and well all the time instead of sporadically.  Am I the only person having this trouble?  It’s hard to believe that only the same handful of people seem to be able to get on the calls and communicate with Larry about releasing.  He did manage to call on me a couple of times during the course, but he initiated it.  I hadn’t pressed the “1” button to “raise my hand”.  

Larry asks everyone who calls in what they are going to do next, encouraging them to sign up for another course immediately.  I still have a lot of work
to do with The Abundance Course and the CYL course before jumping into another one, and even though I’ve had some significant gains, I’m still “taking it for checking”, as Larry says.  I’m still struggling with attachments and aversions, but I know I’ll get it eventually.  This is a great program, and I intend to take many more courses in it.”

Until next Wednesday…


Allowing My Goals to Become Reality with Ease

“I just recently revisited the Goals and Resistance course. I immediately set one of my goals as, “I allow myself to have perfect health at all times with ease.” Since setting that goal a few weeks ago and releasing daily on it I have lost 15 pounds and my pains, especially in my knees, keep getting continually better to the point where they have almost disappeared. 

I also released on allowing myself to have $1,000 or more by releasing only. I got a $2.00/hour raise at my contracting job  which translates to about an extra $320.00 per month. On top of that, I was just told by my company they would give me a check at year end for just over $2,000. Totally out of the blue. So now I’m kicking that up to $5,000. 

Once I’m finished with the course I will move on to the “What I want to be when I grow up course” which I already have and really look forward to. 
I find the key is to continually release and drop the wanting. Just a few nights ago I woke up at 2:00 am with a strong clutching in my stomach.
I began hearing Larry’s words about letting go of wanting and to be imperturbable.

I made an immediate and determined decision right there and then that I was going to be imperturbable and loving no matter what happens. And that I wanted that more than wanting approval, control, or safety. Almost immediately after making the decision my feelings started leaving and continued leaving and I just kept giving my loving approval the entire time. After a few minutes I started smiling and laughing and then rolled over and slept like a baby for the rest of the night.”

With much love and gratitude,
Mike Manjin

Releasing Wants and Fears As a Life Depended On It

“One of my main goals on the 30-day teleconference was to really experience imperturbability but I didn’t dream of how challenging that was to become for me.

Just before the end of the course, my daughter-in-law had a beautiful little baby girl and everything seemed to be fine, we were all very happy and the baby was doing well. Then the day after the course finished the baby became ill and was taken into our local hospital. She really deteriorated very quickly and they found she had a heart problem. She was put on very strong medication to keep her heart working but that shut down her breathing so they put her on a ventilator. All this time I was sending love to all the medical staff and releasing my fears. The doctor wanted to send her to another hospital which was a 2 hour high speed drive away but when the ambulence team arrived they said her health was too poor to travel and suggested a special ambulence and a medical team should be sent for who had expertise in treating very sick babies.

The best hospital for her condition unfortunately hadn’t got an intensive care bed available so I released the need to control that outcome and when the specialist team arrived they took 5 hours to stabilise her condition by which time a bed at the favoured hospital became free. All of this time I was despirately wanting her to survive and she was only just being kept alive with the aid of medication and breathing tubes. Then I remembered what you had said, “You must want imperturbability more than a dying man wants air” so I decided to let go of wanting her to live.

I kept seeing her body in the incubator linked up to tubes and machines and decided I needed to let that picture go. The fear and resistance was huge to letting her die but I was determined to let her go no matter what it took. It was then I got a sense of her in a really peaceful place and we were looking down on her body, suddenly I realised that I was wanting her to live in that body to please me and the family and immediately let her make her own choice. The next phone call from my son was optimistic, she had stabilised and was now able to have an operation to correct the heart problem.

On the day of the operation I sat all day releasing every fear that came up as if her life depended on it. It was as if every demon from hell was rising to challenge me to stop, then finally I got a picture of a huge warrior who told me it had been protecting me and if I let it go I would be completely vulnerable and defenseless to protect myself. I remember saying I want imperturbability more than I want safety or control and it deflated like a balloon. Something really changed in me at that point, I experienced a calm and a knowing that I had felt as if the whole of my life had been a struggle to survive and now that feeling has gone.

As for my Granddaughter, she is doing very well, the operation was a success and she is now off all medication, is breathing unaided, feeding happily, and is hoping to come home at least a week sooner than expected.

This course may well have been a life saver, thank you so much.” – Mary

The Only Way to Imperturbility

“This morning after yet another fairly sleepless night, heart palpitations, vise grips on my head and chest, I called my partner and told her I could no longer bear the pain of doing the Release Technique and that somewhere out there was an easier and faster way to get to imperturbility. I was done with the Technique and goodbye. She gently explained I was doing the fastest program there is and my ego had a grip on me. I hadn’t been able to listen to last night’s class so I listened. I then released for a very long time, let my heart palpitate to its heart content, told the vises on my chest and head to vise away all they wanted, loved them and allowed them to leave. They lifted off and I was shot immediately to the most wonderful CAP place. I then released this for something more. It was just the thing I needed to place me in absolute certainty about the Method as I had been somewhat mistrustful and was not completely certain that it really worked. My amazing partner, in spite of my angry outburst, has agreed to our partnership continuing.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.” – Donna Martinsen

3 Days to a Truly Better Life

“In just three days of being on this course, I have begun to see a ray of hope of being able to release an INTENSE anxiety and suffering I have been facing in past months. I had always been releasing but had been “chipping away” at my feelings.  However recently, I started to experience the fear of dying and also a lashout at that, an anger and wanting to kill. I’ve always been a very loving and successful person, so these feelings are quite a surprise for me and have been extremely hard to face and deal with.  They’re also not something my “chipping away” method is working on.

My doctor wanted to give me medication to control the panic attacks and depression I’ve been feeling. But I’ve been able to manage it on my own – using yoga, homeopathic medication, meditation, good food, exercise, astrological remedies, and of course Releasing.

This call has been a lifesaver for me! Until now, things have been manageable to a certain extent, but this 30-day teleconference course has given me such tremendous support and tools that in just three days, I have excelled through emotions that would have kept me stuck and in intense pain and suffering. Now I am starting to be able to do things, with a confidence that I can get past this.

The best part is that Larry is SO accepting.  I was afraid to admit that I was feeling such things, but Larry’s immediate acceptance and loving help with it has made all the difference. It has allowed me to open up and accept the feelings within myself, which means they can finally be released.

I still have more to go, but this course has been a tremendous, tremendous support for me. I don’t know what I would do without it.

Thank you Larry… you may have saved my life.”


Releasing to Good Health

“The reason I took the Health Teleconference Class with Rebecca was because after reviewing  CT scans I was told  that I needed surgery from my primary care doctor and the surgeon she referred me to. He was going to set up surgery but I told him that I was going to think about it. I took the class. Long story short, towards the end of the class I got a second opinion that did not agree with the surgery, and then went back to see the referral surgeon and had him review things. He said, “I do not need to do surgery.” So no surgery. What a relief!

Thank you for getting me back on track and in the right direction.”
Bonnie Hemauer, Santa Monica, CA

Releasing Grief

I had some very good gains after your session on the telephone last evening. I realized that I was holding grief for two events. (Probably more than two but I am paying closer attention now and forever) Both these events happened years ago.

1. Death of my 25 yr old daughter
2. Death of  my dog

I let the feelings go and I could feel them leave and I felt a big wave of relief sweep over me. 
I finally heard what you have talked about for a long time. Want equals lack. 

A problem I have had with my eyes is gone. I released most of the night  about “wanting healthy eyes” and today I have healthy eyes.
Thank You Larry,
Rebecca and Danny 
Anne Shutrump

Releasing to Achieve Freedom From Pain

“My most notable gains from the Health class concerned back pain. It occurred to me with the force of thunder that my back pain is caused by MY mind.  I have had lower back pain daily that is now gone and sciatic pain that only occurs when walking up low hills.  It also became clear to me that it is my mind that is causing blood sugar problems. This problem had gotten much worse before the class started and is now almost normal. It is on its way out. It is clear that what I have to do is stop thinking about it.
I thoroughly enjoyed the class and achieved my main goal – to be ‘pain-free'”
Love and Thanks,

Letting Go of Pain and Gaining Peace

“During yesterday’s CYL course I was able to let go of issues related to a past surgery regarding my back and spine.  The moment the program came up and was released, a magnificent energy appeared and for several hours my entire body just tingled. It’s as if my entire lower body was instantly transformed. The previous numbness and discomfort no longer exist.  A lovely peace filled with incredible gratitude immediately appeared. My entire life just feels calmer and more peaceful. Such a wonderful demonstration!
Many years ago Releasing helped me regain my ability to walk. And now, in being able to let go of deeper layers of this story is truly an incredible gift to myself. A few days ago alsoI resolved an issue regarding pain in my right hand. Again, incredible amounts of pain dissolved. My body feels wonderfully happier and healthier.
Thank you so very much for offering these classes and for helping me to let go of many limitations, wanting, and AGFLAP.  These teleconferences are truly wonderful!!! Thank you so very, very much!”
With Much Love,

Final Step Retreat helps rid pain and disease

“Wanted to give you three gains that came in the last 24hrs from the retreat: I’ve had Epstein Barr in my system for the past year. Shortly before I came to the retreat I had it checked and it was rampant in my body. I had it checked today and it is virtually gone! My atlas before the retreat was going out on a daily basis and I was visiting the chiropractor about 3-4 times a week just to keep out of pain. I went to see her today and the atlas stayed in all week even though I lifted bags, fell a number of times, sat in weird positions, and stayed in uncomfortable positions on the airplane. That was pretty amazing!! 3- My flight from Monterrey was delayed and I would have missed my San Fran connection, but I got a ride to San Fran and made it within minutes.” – S.C.

Experiences calmness

“All that you said in the final moments of the call culminates in living happily ever after. My now feeling is “All is calm. All is bright.” I sat for a few moments and then I read each of my goal statements and held in mind that I have each and every one. Since I feel so calm, even physically, I thought to check my pulse. I have a little gadget that you stick on your finger – and my pulse was only 52! That’s calm!” – J.P.

Releasing helps rid severe headaches with no need for an MRI

“This gain is too good to just keep to myself in my gains notebook. Last summer I started having “severe headaches”. An MRI scan was recommended, but I didn’t have it. Instead, I did serious releasing (my partner and I even spent one whole morning just releasing the headache). It went away and stayed away through December. Then started up again. I release daily and I have embodied the practice of discriminating and immediately letting go any disapproval energy when it comes up – and immediately giving unconditional love and approval. That gets rid of it on the spot or within a few hours. Still, there was some lingering “fear.” I got an appt with a neurologist, that was this morning – and came away with a perfect bill of health. I know I could have avoided the drs appt., but getting full clearance was worth it and a wonderful gain for me.”

The Release Technique Never Lets Me Down

“This gain is too good to just keep to myself in my gains notebook — Last summer the body started having “severe headaches”.  An MRI scan was recommended, but I didn’t have it. Instead,  I did serious releasing (my partner and I even spent one whole morning just releasing the headache). It went away and stayed away through December.  Then started up again.  I release daily and I have embodied the practice of discriminating and immediately letting go of any disapproval energy when it comes up – and immediately giving unconditional love and approval.  That gets rid of it on the spot or within a few hours.  Still, there was some lingering “fear.”  I got an appointment with a neurologist, that was this morning – and came away with a perfect bill of health.  I know I could have avoided the doctor appointment, but getting full clearance it was worth it and a wonderful gain for me. 

The Method (i.e., Beingness) never lets me down.” – Cynthia, CT

Healthy and Grounded

“Jill noticed now from releasing she is only a size 8 instead of a size 12.  She also eats very little and mostly sprouted foods, which is her preference. She feels more grounded than she ever has in the last 12 years.”

Thank you,

Having and Enjoying Abudance in All Areas of Life

“I am truly loving this course!  With continued momentum over this past year I have worked through subjects that were previously difficult for me to face.  This is a tremendous area of growth and improvement.  Really focused on areas related to my health, weight, and finances.  My body continues to transform as pain is literally dissolving. It’s much easier to love myself and others equally.

In working on the attachment/aversion to having regrets helped me to let go of much fear, AGFLAP, and unhappiness. In letting go of these aversions I found that I just can function easier.  There is less pressure, less fear, and more opportunity for me to see what I am.  This exercise really helped me to deal with many issues related to lack and guilt.  Issues related to the medical and legal communities, are much more peaceful.  
The financial gains include acceptance to have and enjoy abundance in all areas of my life without guilt, figuring it out, or feeling compelled to explain or reject abundance.  Sabatage programs are no longer running.  There is much freedom in knowing that the past is just stories contained within the mind.  I now trust that everything related to money and fiancial details are in perfect order.
Thank you so very much for offering these quality classes.  What was released during this course really helped me to understand the point of “How we do everything, is how we do everything!”  In knocking out issues related to wanting to change and fear, has provided me with such great clarity.  Looking forward to the rest of this course!!!”
With Much Love,

Recovering from Breast Cancer

“I just wanted to express my appreciation for the excellent Release Technique program. I have used it on a daily basis and will for the rest of my life. I am so very glad I found it. I am a very sensitive person, that holds onto everything “”positive and negative”” stuff. This program is the only one I’ve found that teaches you to release. I feel better and at night I sleep better. And I feel like I have a good chance to finish strong now. I’m 64 yeras old and recovering from stage 3 breast cancer. Thank you so much!” – S.D.

Finding Peace

“Love this course!  Here we are in week two and my life seems entirely different. Everything is calmer, more joyful and more in harmony. I am working on doing the exercises and am finding that I am able to go deeper and get to a place where the releases are providing me with greater insights.  So far, I have let go of several unworthy programs, wanting of approval, control, and safety. I’ve Completed the attachment/aversion to anger exercise for the first time and it seemed that everything in my life immediately changed after doing this exercise. Getting to a place where I no longer wish to change anything. Instead I am just grateful to be able to see what I was holding in mind and be able to easily release these stories from the past. I Feel more loving towards myself and others. 
Cleared a perfect program that had been running for much too long and instantly felt so incredibly at peace with myself, my children, and other family members.  This class is helping me to get to a place where everything is okay and that there is nothing to change. My health continues to improve which is an incredible gain as I have let go of many issues regarding trauma, fear, and survival.  My body is now much more comfortable as pain and past illnesses are resolving themselves.   
Many thanks for offering these incredible courses!
With Love!” – Christine

Releasing is Life Changing

“This is the easiest, most comprehensive, most effective method I have ever learned…releasing!  
Since beginning the course, I have found: 
My 26 year marriage is BETTER THAN EVER.   Almost all struggle and power plays have simply dissapated into thin air, and my husband is now more present and attentive than ever.  He even asked me for a Valentine’s Date! Hasn’t happened in forever…
A HUGE business problem is being handled with releasing.  What seemed like the end is now just being re-arranged and accomodated and worked out. And I have kept calm and clear thoughout — this is also a big shift as normally I would be stressed and snappy. 
An independent contractor I work with called me out of the blue to tell me he was REDUCING my fees!! This will save me over $1,000 easily and as much as $4,000 depending on his outcomes. Wow! 
A company that never gives refunds after their 60 day period is now seriously considering refunding me my money.  I was told that the supervisor of customer service was a hard headed woman who would get back to me maybe…and to expect the same answer from her, too! I released on this and she phoned me in less than 24 hours, was extremely personable and helpful and is going to look at the broken unit (shipped back at their cost) and if they in fact find flaws, they will refund my money. $397.00 ! 
I stopped a 30 year itch on my face in less than 2 days. 
My eating habits are changing significantly. Though I’ve only lost 3 lbs. I am no longer tempted to eat as I did before.  Much less food fills me up and I eat WAY more veggies and WAY less meat!  All happening easily …almost behind the scenes.  
I get this. It’s the first course that I immediately GET.  How incredibly powerful. I feel free already. Though I know it will take more and more practice to be an instant creator as Lester was, I now truly know it’s possible.  
Thank you.” – Annie Cunningham


“I downloaded the Release Technique meditation, manifestation, and soul-alignment. I was receiving The Release Technique emails about the interviews and I wasn’t really paying much attention to them, but then one day I noticed one about the Larry Crane interview, and then the same one came in again, and there they were in big bold letters just begging to be opened. So I opened one & listened to Larry talk about his ‘Release Technique.’ I have been suffering from anxiety most of my life and have constantly had a knot in my stomach. I was always puzzled as to what was causing this problem. My mum always suffered from anxiety, so I just put it down to hereditary. During Larry’s talk I followed along with what he was saying… I took a bit of convincing but I eventually said, “I love you anxiety but I release you & let you go!”

After the interview, I noticed I was feeling a bit better. It was late, about 1:00 AM so I forgot about it and went to bed. The next morning after waking up I was waiting for the little kick in my stomach, but didn’t notice it. All that day I felt fantastic and noticed I didn’t have the knot in my stomach! In the following days I noticed all anxiety was gone!!!! I kept asking myself, “could my anxiety really be gone???” My anxiety is now GONE COMPLETELY!!!

Do you know what it feels like not to have a knot in your stomach for the first time in 45 years??? I feel liberated. I realize now I have been living in a negative vibration all my life. I am still single & I realize now that you can’t have a positive emotion like love while full of a negative one.

I have had a very difficult relationship with my brother and I now know I have been carrying bitterness and resentment towards him. A day or two after Larry’s talk, I forgave my brother in my heart and now I feel better than I ever felt before in my life.
PS: I recently met a very lovely woman & things are fantastic!!!” – Brian Keogh

Abundance Course Products

Two Options to Learn the Abundance Course

Abundance Course CD Set – $279

Online Home Study Course – $199