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Overcoming Anxiety

The Most Effective Technique for Reducing Anxiety and Stress

“Suicidal Multi-millionaire Businessman From New York Accidentally Stumbles Upon The Simple Technique For Reducing Anxiety!”

Dear Reader,
Have you ever felt the intense grip of anxiety taking over? Imagine being in a crowded place—a busy airport, a packed subway, or a bustling shopping mall—and suddenly, out of nowhere, your hands start to sweat, your forehead feels clammy, and you realize you’re in the middle of a panic or anxiety attack. You struggle to breathe, feeling as though you might black out… even fearing the worst, as if the overwhelming fear has seized total control of your body.

It’s an awful feeling, isn’t it? And it’s made worse by the unpredictability—never knowing when that wave of anxiety and stomach-turning panic will sneak up on you again. One moment, you’re going about your day as usual and the next…

You’re overcome by an overwhelming sense of helplessness and dread that feels impossible to escape.

Or, maybe you’re carrying around a feeling of “heaviness” every waking hour. You can’t really put your finger on the cause of this “tenseness” or morbid feeling — all you know is it stalks you like a dark shadow everywhere you go.

Many people who are plagued with these feelings of anxiety admit that the one and only thing they look forward to (even crave) each day is… GOING TO SLEEP!

See, being unconscious is the only time these people are truly relaxed and anxiety-free. The trouble is, being in a coma-like sleep is about the same as being…DEAD!

And that’s no way to “live” life. Life is meant to be experienced consciously… not escaped from unconsciously.

Maybe you think the cause of all your anxiety or that feeling of “emptiness” is because something or someone is “missing” from your life. Maybe it’s more money, a better job, a warmer climate, or a loving partner that you believe will make you happy, content, and at peace.
It’s an understandable belief, but unfortunately, it’s not the truth.

Let me share a personal story to explain. My name is Larry Crane. I’m a self-made multi-millionaire businessman, author, and teacher, and my work has been featured in major publications like Time and TV Guide. I had it all—the limousines, private planes, global businesses, and millions of dollars. I lived a life most people only dream about, with close connections to some of the world’s most influential people.

But I have a troubling truth to share with you.

In 1976, on a Friday night, I found myself in my luxurious Manhattan penthouse. I had a successful business, millions in the bank, a beautiful wife, and a feature in Time Magazine. But that night, as I looked out over the city from my terrace, I spent two long hours…

…seriously contemplating suicide.

Despite everything I had, I felt an emptiness I couldn’t shake.
It was very confusing to me. I had everything anyone could want… and yet… I was riddled with anxiety, unexplainable panic attacks, and chronic depression. Since I’m writing this today, I obviously didn’t end it all back in ’76 (some 30 years ago).

No, instead, I became determined to find the answers to my personal misery. And I did.

Back in 1976 I stumbled upon a laughingly simple – (yet scientifically verified) – “miracle” technique and used it to flush out all anxiety, worry, stress, fear, depression, panic, and illness from my body. Suddenly, without even realizing the speed at which the amazing changes were happening – I was totally “at peace” with myself and everything about my life.


And I’ve now been 100% free of ALL negative emotions, including anxiety and illness for the last 30 years.

Would you like to know my laughingly simple “secret?”

If you ever suffer from even a tinge of anxiety then I’m sure you would.
And it’s good that you do want to know more about my “secret”. Curiosity is the first step to eliminating anxiety from your life…forever!
Yes, believe it or not, simply by reading the rest of this informative article, you’ll be that much closer to overcoming anxiety and negative emotions in your life.

But I can’t tell you about my laughingly simple “secret” to banishing anxiety just yet!

See, first, I think it’s important that you do your own “homework” and look at some of the other options available to you for coping with anxiety:

To begin with, let’s look at what most people do when they realize their anxiety is severely affecting the quality of their lives.

Typical Methods For Coping With Anxiety:

OPTION #1: Go to your friendly doctor:
At first glance, seeing a doctor for anxiety relief seems logical. After all, doctors are trained to identify conditions like anxiety and recommend treatments. Often, though, the “solution” prescribed is a type of anti-anxiety medication known as benzodiazepines. These medications, including popular names like Xanax™, are widely used because they seem to work almost instantly, easing anxiety, reducing stress, and even aiding sleep. However, this “quick fix” can lead to serious consequences.

Benzodiazepines are powerful but deceptive; they primarily mask anxiety rather than address its root causes. Many people quickly become dependent on these drugs, taking them regularly to manage symptoms. The problem? These medications can be just as addictive as some illegal drugs. Users who try to stop often face severe withdrawal symptoms, including intense anxiety, panic, and even physical risks like seizures or heart complications.

As Dr. Vernon Coleman explains, “The world’s biggest drug problem is posed by benzodiazepines. Getting people off these drugs can be harder than helping heroin addicts. Doctors often prescribe them without fully considering the long-term impacts on patients.”

Instead of relying on these medications, consider natural ways to reduce anxiety. Avoiding dependence on such drugs is crucial to maintaining long-term mental well-being.

Okay, moving on to…

OPTION #2: Seeing a counselor or therapist:
Talking about your anxiety with others can be helpful, and counseling or therapy may seem like a natural step. Sometimes, it’s good to talk! However, many people find that therapists act more as “professional listeners” rather than providers of actionable solutions. They can serve as a supportive sounding board but may not fully address the underlying causes of anxiety.

Counseling often involves revisiting past traumas, which can feel intimidating and rarely resolves anxiety in just a few sessions. In many cases, regular visits become part of the process, creating a long-term dependence on your therapist for relief. Financially, this can be costly, with expenses accumulating over months or even years without delivering lasting peace or control over anxiety.

Instead of finding relief, you may find yourself both out of pocket and still searching for ways to deal with anxiety naturally. This brings us to…

OPTION #3: Taking An Anti-Anxiety Course, Program or Seminar:
If you type “how to reduce anxiety” into your search engine, you’ll be bombarded with countless offers for eBooks, courses, coaching programs, workshops, and seminars that promise to help you eliminate anxiety.

How effective are these programs? Well, results vary—some may offer valuable insights, while others might fall short. Many reputable programs emphasize Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which has shown impressive results, especially for managing negative habits and behaviors associated with anxiety.

However, a common challenge with CBT is the time commitment it requires. Often, people find it difficult to fit these practices into their busy lives. Purchasing a “self-study” CBT course can be like buying a language course when you’re unfamiliar with the language—it’s hard to stay motivated on your own. In fact, studies show that only about 3% of people who buy self-study courses ever complete them, leading to a high dropout rate.

Similarly, when left to practice CBT independently, many struggle to stick with it consistently, limiting its potential effectiveness.

A 97% Failure Rate!

That’s what I call a crapshoot!

What else is there being peddled to relieve you of your anxiety and panic attacks?

Where to start?

There are tons of “alternative therapies”, such as acupuncture, aroma therapy, meditation, yoga, color therapy, homeopathy, crystal therapy, massage…the list goes on and on.

Many times, an alternative health practice will offer many (or all) of the above on their “menu.” Which begs the question:

“If any of them worked so well that they actually solved the problem of anxiety, why would they have to offer so many alternatives?”

The answer is this: All of the techniques and “cures” discussed above only ever target and work on the symptoms of anxiety…


Just like an aspirin works on the symptoms of a headache… and not the underlying cause. This brings us back to the laughingly simple “miracle” technique I stumbled upon back in 1976 to flush out ALL anxiety, worry, stress, fear, depression, and illness from my body.

What’s truly amazing is, this laughingly simple (yet scientifically verified) technique doesn’t just reduce anxiety (and all associated negative feelings) it…

Instant Anxiety Relief, For Good!

Which brings up another point: Why should you believe me? After all, I’m not a doctor, psychiatrist, or any other kind of “mind scientist.”

But that doesn’t matter. You see, I’ve figured out a way…


But first, let’s talk a little more about my scientifically verified “miracle” technique for totally eliminating anxiety and panic from your life.

For starters: The “miracle” technique I would like to share with you is the healthy way (no dangerous drugs). It’s very simple. Laughingly simple. You can do it wherever you are, whatever you are doing (nobody will realize you are doing it – even if you are in the middle of a conversation). And, it is something you are going to love to do.

Once you learn it, it won’t cost you a penny (unlike prescription drugs and therapy – meaning it will actually save you money!)… and I promise, as soon as you read about this…


Why? Because the simple yet powerful technique I’m about to share with you makes so much sense, you’ll wonder why you didn’t think of it yourself. In fact, it’s likely to leave you chuckling at how even top scientists and renowned psychiatrists have missed this approach.

But don’t let its simplicity mislead you—this technique is highly effective. It has helped countless individuals overcome severe anxiety and emotional challenges, including:


Imagine veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) who are haunted by distressing memories of combat—replaying scenes of intense trauma, loss, and unimaginable duty. Many struggle with anxiety, depression, sleepless nights, and even suicidal thoughts, despite years of therapy and medication with little relief.

However, using this technique, deep-seated anxiety like PTSD can be neutralized in a matter of days.

How does this incredibly simple technique work so quickly when nothing else seems to?

Well, the answer is remarkably simple and is based on two CORE TRUTHS:

The root cause of all emotional turmoil, anxiety, disorder, and pain is caused by your own suppressed feelings. These stored, unprocessed emotions act like toxic energy, fueling your anxiety and inner turmoil.

You possess a natural, innate ability to release these negative feelings effortlessly. As you learn to let go of these suppressed emotions, you’ll feel lighter, healthier, and more joyful. Life begins to improve across the board—anxiety, depression, and physical ailments start to fade, and struggles diminish.
The more you release these emotions, the closer you move toward a lasting state of profound happiness and peace—a pure state of bliss, free from sorrow.

In case you’re wondering, the “miracle” technique I keep alluding to is called the Release® Technique… and here are just a few of the ways it can help you:

  • You’ll easily be able to “let go” of any “charged” feelings “on the spot” – including fears, phobias, anxiety, stress, panic attacks etc. Meaning you will never again have to suffer the indignity of “sharing your problems” with a counselor or therapist … or, resort to wolfing down dangerous (life-threatening!) prescription drugs.
  • You’ll naturally enter into the “flow state” – all resistance and self-doubt will melt away like butter in a microwave!
  • You’ll be able to easily “discharge” any emotional agony or jealousy raging inside you…especially if your lover has left you.

The Release Technique Will Help You With Overcoming Anxiety By…

  • Getting out of “zombie mode” so you are in total control of your life!
  • Easily drop “killer” habits such as procrastination and “mentally beating yourself up” – these “evil twins” are the culprits that are keeping you from living life on your terms!
  • Take the needle off the “poor me story” playing on the “turntable of your mind!”
  • Throw dumb “knee jerk” reactions away… maintaining your sanity, inner calmness, “balance” and resourcefulness… even when under extreme pressure… and even when it seems that everyone else on the planet has been put here with a mission to “screw up” your life!
  • Enjoy unlimited peace of mind and perpetual happiness – no matter what events are happening in your life, or the world!

Look, I could go on and on. But, the truth is: The Release® Technique is the fastest, surest, and safest way to…

Completely Overcoming Anxiety In Your Life!

That does sound like a big promise, doesn’t it? I understand if it seems too good to be true right now. There are countless self-help programs claiming to be the answer to anxiety, and many of them leave you feeling hopeful but ultimately let down.

If you’ve tried various programs in the past and felt skeptical, it’s completely understandable. Maybe the Release Technique feels a bit “out there” to you at this point—and that’s okay. I’ve been where you are, so I get it.

So, how is the Release Technique so different and unique to any other kind of self-help method?

The answer is simple:

First, it doesn’t require any specific beliefs or philosophies. There are no “rules” to follow. Instead, it offers a practical, step-by-step process that’s easy to learn and effortless to apply, allowing you to reduce anxiety naturally.

Unlike any other self-help program, the Release Technique is a fully original system that provides an easy-to-use, portable technique. You can apply it anywhere, anytime, without needing to “take time out.” It is truly one of the best methods to reduce anxiety. It empowers you to identify and release negative feelings, anxiety, limiting beliefs, and behaviors instantly. As these emotions arise, you’ll learn to let them go on the spot, avoiding overwhelming anxiety or panic.

Finally, the Release® Technique goes beyond traditional methods, working directly at the core—your feeling level. It’s not a motivational program, psychology, therapy, positive thinking, subliminal programming, meditation, or anything requiring study. It’s a simple approach that anyone can master within minutes, regardless of background, finances, education, or age—even children as young as five have learned and benefited from it!

I guess the best way to sum it up is this:

It Guides You Through The Effortless Process Of Pulling Up The “menu Of Your Subconscious Mind” And Naturally “letting Go” Of Any (And Every) Suppressed Feeling That Is The Root Cause Of Your Anxiety​

Unfortunately, from the age of about 5, we habitually suppress many feelings… and these feelings then act as subconscious SELF-SABOTAGE PROGRAMS, causing us anxiety and emotional disorders.

Release and “let go” of these self-sabotaging programs… and…SHAZAAM… everything in your life will start working out perfectly with ease.

Just like a computer with a virus. Take the virus out of the computer and the computer works perfectly.

That’s why motivational stuff, positive thinking, cognitive behavioral therapy, anti-anxiety drugs, affirmations, and traditional goal setting rarely work for most people.

In truth: Until and unless you get rid of the self-sabotaging negativity program lurking in your subconscious mind – it doesn’t matter what “success formula” or “self-help program” you use – it will NEVER work.

In all honesty… The Abundance Course makes every other self-help program obsolete. And if you do currently use any other form of self-help technique, The Abundance Course will make it 1000 times more powerful!

Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Well, it is. But, please:

Prove It Out For Yourself!

If you put the Release Technique into action in your life – and do just that (nothing more, nothing less) – the results you will experience will absolutely astound you.

Everyone you know is going to want to know your “secret” because…


I want you to know that getting the Release Technique out to as many people as I can is my life’s work. That’s why I’ll be here (at your beck and call) totally committed to your success. If you don’t understand something, call me. I am here to help you succeed. When you commit to eliminating your anxiety by taking The Abundance Course, I commit to you 100%.


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Abundance Course CD Set – $279

Online Home Study Course – $199