Spirituality Testimonials

The Release Technique is powerful

“I am right now experiencing an amazing level of love from releasing this evening. Just a place of peace and love for everything and everyone. No wanting to change. I am experiencing how powerful the Release Technique is. Thank you so much for the work that you do to continue to share this wonderful gift. I am so full of joy and appreciation and love. I also closed on a sale today that generated over $18,000 in commissions.” – G.C.

Uses Release Technique when daugher is hospitalized

“I have been using the Release Technique featuring the Abundance Course for a couple of months. Immediately I felt calmer and lighter. I listen to the CDs and use the workbook every day. A couple things I noticed are 1) that the releasing feels so much deeper as time goes by. Older stuff I’d completely forgotten is coming up and the emotional charge associated with it is moving out and 2) probably more importantly, I’m releasing daily as life is occuring to me. Last month my daughter was suddenly hospitalized. I continually released the emotions as I sat beside her in the PICU. Since I was able to deal with so much strong emotion – at the time – I don’t think this will be a problem for me in the future.” – Yvonne

Finds peace

“Thank you so much for your kind help last night in regards to my father. Afterwards I continued to release and release. It felt as though I was finally outside of the heaviness of my body into a blissful space I had never been in before.” – D.D.

Lets go of anger

“I have been feeling really good since the start of the 30-day program. I had an issue come up this morning that I felt irritated and annoyed by. I was saying “Yes” to the feeling and it was getting a bit better, so I was going to sit down and do some more releasing. My husband was totally unperturbed by it. When I noticed that he was still smiling, I immediately let go of my anger feelings. I saw how wonderful it was not to allow myself to be run by anger, and if he could do it, then I could do it too. He has been feeling lighter and lighter since the start of this course. We have done a lot of different workshops and courses, but I have never seen a difference like this. This is the best thing we have ever done.” – Tamara

Finding Peace

“Love this course!  Here we are in week two and my life seems entirely different. Everything is calmer, more joyful and more in harmony. I am working on doing the exercises and am finding that I am able to go deeper and get to a place where the releases are providing me with greater insights.  So far, I have let go of several unworthy programs, wanting of approval, control, and safety. I’ve Completed the attachment/aversion to anger exercise for the first time and it seemed that everything in my life immediately changed after doing this exercise. Getting to a place where I no longer wish to change anything. Instead I am just grateful to be able to see what I was holding in mind and be able to easily release these stories from the past. I Feel more loving towards myself and others. 
Cleared a perfect program that had been running for much too long and instantly felt so incredibly at peace with myself, my children, and other family members.  This class is helping me to get to a place where everything is okay and that there is nothing to change. My health continues to improve which is an incredible gain as I have let go of many issues regarding trauma, fear, and survival.  My body is now much more comfortable as pain and past illnesses are resolving themselves.   
Many thanks for offering these incredible courses!
With Love!” – Christine

Going Free

“Considering what I’ve been doing with the method in the past 2.5 months – and not being sure if I was doing some releasing (even if I was feeling lighter, I was not happier), this past weekend and today, I’ve been doing deep releasing.  FINALLY it accepted to show up by itself.  So, like today, I have been sitting since early this morning and releasing on whatever is there… and there is. 
Last November, I made the choice to buy the Abundance course and go to Camp Allen. I knew the Release Technique was for me, I knew and I see it even more today, that I was getting prepared to do it.  Curiously many would say, well it’s an easy method, why did you have to be prepared for it?
My answer would be: I DON’T KNOW – but I know and I am in the place you call: you know that you know you know, that I had to be prepared, to let go of many habits/thoughts. This past fall, it was time. I’ve been doing many things that helped but not as much as the Release Technique, not even close. Each time I listen to Lester’s CDs, I hear him say that we can all do it. I never thought of going for freedom before, it was not even in me. I thought it was for some Gurus or Yogis but that’s it.
I felt, with Lester that it is not that at all.  It is letting go of the EGO yes but you don’t lose anything you WIN on everything. 
FOR ME, Release Technique has nothing to do with having more money, having a relationship, having this or that. It is much deeper, it works on so many levels if you let yourself go into those feelings that want to leave – that when you feel for the very first time, a REAL release on something that you have run away from for many years because you were afraid of, it is like an orgasm. Now I know why Lester compares it to Releasing and going free.  I’ve experienced it.  I didn’t run. I didn’t escape.  I didn’t do this or that. I sat down, I took a deep breath, and I said to my feelings: “It is okay, now I won’t push you away. You are welcome and I’m sorry I haven’t loved you before… Now, I am here, the door is wide open and I give you the permission to leave.  I LOVE YOU and THANK YOU FOR SHOWING UP, ONCE AGAIN.”
It took few minutes, and already the peace was there. I’m talking about HUGE fear, HUGE resistance, HUGE…. imbalances in my body for years.

Last Fall prepared me by not eating many things, to make sure my energy would be lighter when I would start to release. 
Release Technique can help anyone who wants to be free. Free from misery. Free from a past that has been in the present way too long and has a foot in the future, in each moment. Free from a false conception of WHO I AM.  Even Free from a nice life but has no “happiness” in it.
FREEDOM is BEING and going with the flow.  Release Technique IS. THEN… material will be available with no AGFLAP attached to it.
The battle is not over – in me with the EGO, past, etc. – I see it as a battle. Not over but in much more condition as I HAVE FOUND THE PERFECT TOOL TO WIN IT!            
As long as the past is in the present and has a foot in the future, what can you do in the Here and Now but pushing away old stuff and losing your time dreaming instead of living!” – Johanne

Lifting the Weight

“Thank you so much for your kind help in regards to my father. I was very high afterwards and continued to release and release. It felt as though I was finally outside of the heaviness of my body into a blissful space I had never been in before. Now if only Larry could clone yourself and move in with me as a personal coach! The family and the whole world could use it!

It is my intention to keep taking as manyRelease Technique classes with Larry as I can.

With gratitude.” – Danielle Dove

The One Method That Works For Me

“I have been feeling really good since the start of the 30-day program.  I had an issue come up this morning that I felt irritated and annoyed by.  I was saying “Yes” to the feeling and it was getting a bit better, so I was going to sit down and do some more releasing.  My husband was totally unperturbed by it.  When I noticed that he was still smiling, I immediately let go of my feelings of anger. I saw how wonderful it was not to allow myself to be run by anger, and if he could do it, then I could do it too.  He has been feeling lighter and lighter since the start of this course.  We have done a lot of different workshops and courses, but I have never seen a difference like this.  This is the best thing we have ever done.

Also, I have been wanting to share something for a while now, and I didn’t because I thought it wouldn’t sound nice, or come across the way I meant it.  Now, I really don’t care (Thank you for that!). My husband and I started taking a different method about five years ago.  He got some benefits from it, but I didn’t. I was extremely motivated to let go of the pain I felt, and I did the CD’s and the exercises for hours every day.  I never felt any better, and a lot of the time I felt worse than when I started.  When we took a live course from one of the instructors, she had some of Lester’s Release Technique CD’s for sale that she had bought from you.  When I listened to them, I found what I was looking for.  I also realized that (to me at least) the other method was not what Lester was talking about.  When we found out about the Release Technique, it took me a while to give it a chance, because I didn’t want to spend more time digging up old AGFLAP.  Once we actually bought the Abundance Course, I was thrilled to find that there is someone sharing Lester’s message.  Thank you for that.  I finally got what Lester meant about getting high to release.  Your method taught me how to get out of my AGFLAP to release it, not dig it up and try to release it from there.

I am motivated to continue with the Release Technique and get all the good out of it.  I’m not stopping.  Thank you for making this available to people.

With Love.” – Tamara

Let go of not wanting to do anything

“I was releasing the aversion to doing something today with my partner and released a major block. At some point in my life I decided that I DIDN’T WANT TO DO ANYTHING-and so I couldn’t do anything. So I would get angry everytime I had to do something because I felt that I couldn’t do it but I had to. That feeling stopped me from almost everything. I have had MANY opportunities and that feeling somehow got me to mess them all up. Now I can do or not do whatever I want.” – G.B.

Major Block to Winning is Gone

“I was releasing the aversion to doing something today with my partner and released a major block. At some point in my life I decided that I DIDN’T WANT TO DO ANYTHING — and so I couldn’t do anything. So I would get pissed off and angry everytime I had to do something because I felt that I couldn’t do it but I had to. That feeling stopped me from almost everything — wealth, going free, ease, happiness, etc. I have had MANY opportunities and that feeling somehow got me to mess them all up. I have not been able to stop smiling since I let that whole program go.

Now I can do or not do whatever I want. I took singing lessons with a master for a few years, about 10 years ago, and quit that and the guitar because It caused too much stress and anger. Today I felt like singing and it was effortless. Today is a good day!!!

Thanks for making this opportunity available.” – Gene Bausman

Improves health and business

“Since using the Release Technique, I received over $1500 in unexpected income. When I fell and hurt my wrist, I released and the swelling went away, the purple color is gone and it doesn’t hurt a bit. Also, my online sales are coming in easily.” – C.A.

Improves relationships and business

“This is the easiest, most comprehensive, most effective method I have ever learned… releasing! Since beginning the course, I have found: My 26 year marriage is BETTER THAN EVER. Almost all struggle and power plays have simply dissipated into thin air, and my husband is now more present and attentive than ever. He even asked me for a Valentine’s Date! Hasn’t happened in forever… A HUGE business problem is being handled with releasing. What seemed like the end is now just being re-arranged and accommodated and worked out. And I have kept calm and clear thoughout. Also a big shift as normally I would be stressed and snappy. An independent contractor I work with called me out of the blue to tell me he was REDUCING my fees!! This will save me over $1,000 easily and as much as $4,000 depending on his outcomes.” – A.C.

Releases disapproval

“This morning while releasing I noticed I was upset at a long time buddy who has been avoiding me. I caught myself really disapproving of him and wanting to control him. So I started letting go of the disapproval and sending him approval and then let go of the wanting to control him. When I got through with the release I noticed that I was really disapproving of this life. So I released on disapproving of “life.” I immediately saw the negativity that my ego had me in and I proceeded to release the disapproval. I have always thought of my self as being a positive and loving person and so when you talk about positive attracts positive, I was having a hard time understanding why I wasn’t attracting abundance and wealth into my life. Once the disapproval for my friend and then life and the world dropped away, I saw what the ego had me immersed in. The Financial Freedom Course is powerful.” – G.C.

Gets rid of anxiety

“I have been suffering from anxiety most of my life & have constantly had a knot in my stomach.I used the Release Technique and the next day, I noticed I didn’t have the knot in my stomach! In the following days I noticed all anxiety was gone!!!!” – BK

Mends relationship with daughter-in-law

“Last week I was listening to the Relationships Course and I realized my relationship with one of my two daughter-in-laws was not good. So I called her and apologized for any and all ill feelings or hurt or discomfort I have caused her. She was surprised to get a call from me and for me to apologize to her was a real shocker, I am sure. Without the Release Technique, I never would have done that. I am discovering how important it is to follow all of the instructions in our workbook. I am currently working on The Goals and Resistance Course and I am enjoying it.” – IJ

Attracting Abundance

“I wanted to share a fantastic gain with you – This morning while releasing I noticed I was upset at a long time buddy who has been avoiding me. I caught myself really disapproving of him and wanting to control him.  So I started letting go of the disapproval and sending him approval and then let go of the wanting to control him.  When I got through with the release I noticed that I was really disapproving of this life.  So I released on disapproving of “life.”  I immediately saw the negativity that my ego had me in and I proceeded to release the disapproval.  I next released on disapproving of the “world.”   When I completely released, I was in a state of acceptance that I don’t recall ever feeling before.  The experience of being in acceptance is profound.  Could it get any better? Let go and find out, Yes…

I have always thought of myself as being a positive and loving person and so when you talk about positive attracts positive, I was having a hard time understanding why I wasn’t attracting abundance and wealth into my life.  It’s probably like a “fish in water” where it is hard for the fish to see the water until it is removed from the water.  Once the disapproval for my friend and then life and the world dropped away, I saw what the ego had me immersed in. 

The Financial Freedom Course is powerful.

Thank You!” – Greg Cleverly

Continuous Miracles

“I just wanted to report that each time I have taken a course, I have received significant financial gains outside of my normal salary. Since joining the 30 day Financial Freedom Course I am at $5,432.22 over my normal monthly income.  And it looks like another $,2000 is headed my way. (So far!) 

Relationships in all areas of my life have dramatically improved and the miracles keep coming!  I am so glad that I stuck with it and continue to see how taking responsibility for everything that happens to me and giving myself love and approval has made all the difference.  Now I can see that I have love and approval to give to everyone else.  What a gift!  Thank you for your time and sharing the method with us all.” – Loretta Urbina


“I downloaded the Release Technique meditation, manifestation, and soul-alignment. I was receiving The Release Technique emails about the interviews and I wasn’t really paying much attention to them, but then one day I noticed one about the Larry Crane interview, and then the same one came in again, and there they were in big bold letters just begging to be opened. So I opened one & listened to Larry talk about his ‘Release Technique.’ I have been suffering from anxiety most of my life and have constantly had a knot in my stomach. I was always puzzled as to what was causing this problem. My mum always suffered from anxiety, so I just put it down to hereditary. During Larry’s talk I followed along with what he was saying… I took a bit of convincing but I eventually said, “I love you anxiety but I release you & let you go!”

After the interview, I noticed I was feeling a bit better. It was late, about 1:00 AM so I forgot about it and went to bed. The next morning after waking up I was waiting for the little kick in my stomach, but didn’t notice it. All that day I felt fantastic and noticed I didn’t have the knot in my stomach! In the following days I noticed all anxiety was gone!!!! I kept asking myself, “could my anxiety really be gone???” My anxiety is now GONE COMPLETELY!!!

Do you know what it feels like not to have a knot in your stomach for the first time in 45 years??? I feel liberated. I realize now I have been living in a negative vibration all my life. I am still single & I realize now that you can’t have a positive emotion like love while full of a negative one.

I have had a very difficult relationship with my brother and I now know I have been carrying bitterness and resentment towards him. A day or two after Larry’s talk, I forgave my brother in my heart and now I feel better than I ever felt before in my life.
PS: I recently met a very lovely woman & things are fantastic!!!” – Brian Keogh

Effortless Gains by Releasing

“I’ve recently gained:
-Over $1,500 in unexpected income.
-Fell and hurt my wrist. It was swollen and purple. I released and the swelling went away, the purple color is gone and it doesn’t hurt a bit.
-Spent the weekend at The Waldorf with my sister and niece.
-Have enjoyed wonderful meals.
-Got to see Phantom of the Opera.
-Sales coming in online easily.
-I wanted to spend time with my sister’s boyfriend to make sure he was nice and he ended up meeting me at the hotel to make sure I got checked in ok. Then we ended up spending more time together throughout the weekend. I did not have to arrange any of this. I got to see how he interacted with my sister and niece effortlessly.
-I wanted a facial and found the perfect place across the street. Then wanted to have a nice lunch in an upbeat place and found it within a few feet of where I was.
-Everyone I met were so amazingly nice and helpful.
-On the plane ride back, everyone else seemed to be in a bad mood but the staff was super nice to me, the flight flew by and I released the whole way. It was awesome.” – Caterina

Intentions are answered

“I have come to realize during this first week of the 30 Day Program that if I let go and put out an intention my answers are all there in a beautiful way. Thank you for sharing from that place.This morning a beautiful gain/awareness came to me…we all have different pictures/programs running (unless we are in BEINGNESS-the Oneness of inner knowing-LOVE!) so it is silly to judge or disapprove or try to fix (with pretense of helping) others. WOW! This is HUGE for me. I know you and Lester have been saying this many ways over and over, but this morning I got it, a Light went on. Thank you again!” – K. B.

Abundance Course Products

Two Options to Learn the Abundance Course

Abundance Course CD Set – $279

Online Home Study Course – $199