the NEW

Momentum Deluxe Packages

Get Started Below

The NEW Momentum Deluxe Packages:

Coaching organizations typically charge $20,000 to $40,000 and UPWARDS for the kind of ongoing personal support and accountability coaching you get in the NEW Momentum Deluxe Packagesbut you DON’T have to pay anywhere near that!

If you’ve done one or two (or more) Release Technique courses…

And you’ve had some gains here and there…

But not the kind of ease, and freedom, and BIG life-changing gains from releasing you see others reporting…

Then there’s something “extra” you need to know about.

And it’s this:

The “extra” secret to getting the BIG life-changing gains from Releasing is…


Releasing + Momentum = BIG LIFE CHANGING GAINS.

Every time.

Momentum added to your releasing is like adding rocket fuel to a Ferrari 812 Superfast car.

It moves your life forward in a positive way at like… warp speed.

Truly, you can “bank on it” every time. Because…

With MOMENTUM “added” to your Releasing — your life situations get positive superfast…

With MOMENTUM “added” to your Releasing — the problems and limitations in your life that have been impossible to change, clear up all on their own…

With MOMENTUM “added” to your Releasing — you also get the BIG financial gains from Releasing.

Of course, any releasing you do is good.

But if you want your life to move forward in a superfast, positive way, with ease… and, in the process, get everything you want by releasing…

It’s not enough to release here and there.

It’s not enough to release sometimes and not other times.

It’s not enough to release this week and not next week.

What’s required (what is absolutely necessary) is…

in your releasing.

Only when you have true MOMENTUM in your releasing will the problems and limitations in your life clear up on their own…

Only when you have true MOMENTUM in your releasing will you get the ease, freedom, and BIG financial gains, along with everything else you want from releasing.

Never forget:

True momentum really is the KEY.

Which is why we here at the Release Technique have put together a range of new “top tier Super-car” packages that give you that true momentum (and life-changing acceleration) from your releasing.

In addition to that:

The new “top-tier Super-car” packages we’ve put together also speed up your releasing results…

By giving you “full-time” access to your own personal “Accountability Coach”.

Coaching companies typically charge $20,000 to $40,000 and UPWARDS to provide this kind of ongoing personal support and accountability coaching.

Yet none of those coaching companies can provide you with anything as powerful or life-transforming as the Releasing Processes we coach and keep you accountable in using.

That said, you won’t have to pay anywhere near $40,000, nor anywhere near $20,000 for any the 3 new “top-tier Super-car” momentum packages we’ve put together for you.

Here’s what’s included in each of the 3 new “top-tier Super-car” momentum packages:

The Momentum
Deluxe Plus 1 Package:

Here are the courses you get access to at Plus 1 level:

Take $1,970 OFF of your investment to do all the course in The Momentum Deluxe Plus 1 Package, is: $6,150
call us at 1 (818) 279-2438 to RESERVE YOUR SPACE TODAY!
We are in Los Angeles. Please call us between 9am and 5pm (GMT -8 hours)

Each of the 3 new packages enable you to truly integrate the releasing skill into your everyday life, moment-to-moment – keeping you in powerful release mode.

On top of that, the new platinum, gold and silver momentum packages enable you to demonstrate positive things into your life – in other words, create positive things to happen in your life.

Meaning each of the new momentum packages is an “as you proceed” proving ground for releasing in your life.

You get to prove that with enough momentum built-up in your releasing, you can totally turnaround any seeming lack or problem in your life.

And when those turnarounds happen again and again at increasing speed and regularity (which they when you do one of the new momentum packages)…

It really is a beautiful experience

on the road to success

Of course, if you listen to the ego (the mind) it will likely “talk you out” of anything that will give you sustained momentum & acceleration in your releasing.

This is mind-doubt (ego-sabotage) is what happens to people even after they’ve made great gains in their life through releasing. Craig is a perfect example of that…

Craig was making great gains with releasing and everything in his life was very smooth and flowing…

Then his ego jumped in and told him he was too smart for releasing… that he didn’t need it in his life anymore…

Here’s how Craig describes the experience in his own words:

“Several months ago life was very peaceful, calm, simple, joyous and just wonderful. Everything was perfect, then I made the mistake of letting my ego take ownership of my life. It only took a short time to slip from Peace all the way back to pride and then even lower. It did not take long for all sorts of bad things to happen especially health issues, 3 broken ribs, separated shoulder, intestinal stuff, sinus infections, and several others. Recently, after recognizing that I was in trouble, I started the Health and Fitness class and basically went back to the method and started from day one. Since that time many wonderful things have happened and life has turned around. Life is again peaceful, calm, simple, joyous, exciting, adventurous, abundant and all of the things it is supposed to be.” - Craig

The same ego-sabotage nearly got Lonni, as well.

Here’s how Lonni explains it:

“I am sharing a gain that I acquired last evening. Last evening I dropped the ego and all desire. I had thought to myself that this was too easy for it to be done this way, then I remembered what you said Larry. It is easy, it’s only the mind that makes it complicated. I finally see the truth in that, before I couldn’t grasp it. When I awoke this morning I had some encounters with people that in the past I would have been reactive to. There was nothing there this morning, absolutely nothing! I actually felt complete love for them. I feel so peaceful. I have worked on the agflap chart and had very little if anything come up or leave. I started the course in August of 2005 and it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I thank you and Lester for getting this out to the world! I have and will continue to share this with everyone I come in contact with. Thank you again so very much. Sincerely a true believer” - Lonni McDonald

The mind will always try to take you away from releasing.

The mind will “convince you” there are better methods and techniques out there.

But if having complete freedom and having life-changing GAINS are what you are after – then there is nothing else out there that compares to Releasing.

Ann Vogel found that out.

Here’s how Ann Vogel tells it:

“When I first took the course over eight years ago, I started off with a bang, and fell into beingness and amazing gains. I knew in my soul I had found what I was looking for. And then about four years in I became so stuck that I didn’t even know I was stuck. In looking back I found I was listening to the calls but not really releasing. Participating on a very shallow level. The work became dull. And then I began to look elsewhere for the answers, numerous Satsangs in the Bay Area – where there are endless choices, Dualists, Non-Dualists, Meditations, Dream Work, and on and on and on. Spinning. My life began to spiral down. Major financial issues and setbacks. This January I re-engaged in the work and decided to go the retreat in Sedona and from there I purchased the 5180. I can’t even begin to tell you how my life has changed and the amazing gains that have occurred. Right after the retreat we gained $150,000 in closing a brokerage deal. I trade covered call options and am making 8% per month or almost 100% per year. Almost always aware of my mind and the stories it is telling me and then I rise above it and let it go. An IRS audit where I was going to owe $6000 and open up more audit issues in a very complicated tax year resolved itself with ease in my favor and a return of $2300. Feeling lighter and happier and letting that go and feeling lighter and happier. My son who has struggled with learning issues and social issues continues to improve and be happier and able to engage in life more fully. My other son’s college process moved smoothly and he received $34,000 in yearly scholarships. Where I withdrew from many relationships, as I released on relationships in general, many true deep relationships have developed and blossomed. Just an overall seeing of how my mind drew such a dismal picture of life where I was trapped in a mild state of depression, I feel as each day passes. I’m getting more and more free from that internal prison and moving into an amazing state of grace and being unlimited. Just amazing releasing partners have shown up – mirroring my own progress. Sharing the release technique with more people and getting them to engage in the program. Phil will be at the retreat in Tahoe in May and I will be at Larry’s house in LA in July. Looking forward to continuing this amazing movement up. Thanks so much!” - Ann Vogel

Anyway, here’s the takeaway point:

If you want complete freedom and the BIG life-changing gains… always continue on… dropping the ego and mind as fast as you can

Because the faster and deeper you go with releasing (building up momentum and acceleration as you go) the more you discover the innate joys to which there are no limits.

And here’s the thing:

No matter how joyful you get… you can always go further.

If you were a thousand times more joyful than you are now, you could still go on and on…

So keep going with Releasing. Only the best of life can come from it

Remember, the goal is imperturbabilitya state where nothing and nobody bothers you.

This state allows demonstrations and manifestations with the mere thought about having something.

This is the state the new momentum packages set you up to achieve.

The new momentum packages give you the most satisfying and freeing way to live.

The new momentum packages take you to complete mastery over your life.

And all you have to do NOW is commit to getting the support and momentum in your releasing via one of the new momentum packages listed on this page.

Again, here’s what’s included in each of the 3 new “top-tier Super-car” momentum packages:

Make your selection from one of these 3 new momentum packages:

The Momentum
Deluxe Plus 1 Package:

Here are the courses you get access to at Plus 1 level:

Take $1,970 OFF of your investment to do all the course in The Momentum Deluxe Plus 1 Package, is: $6,150
call us at 1 (818) 279-2438 to RESERVE YOUR SPACE TODAY!
We are in Los Angeles. Please call us between 9am and 5pm (GMT -8 hours)

Cancellation/Return Policy

A Momentum package must be used within 12 months from the date of purchase.