Join the Telecourse from the comfort of your own home!

Love Yourself

May 12 - June 23, 2025

Let us SHOW you HOW to APPLY LOVE… so everything in your life “corrects itself” and works out perfectly…

Here are the core principals of Lester Levenson’s teachings:

When you turn all non-loving feelings into loving feelings…

Every area of your life starts working for you… instead of against you.

Lester witnessed this first-hand.

He discovered that happiness, health, wealth, abundance and peace of mind are…

ALL determined by a person’s capacity to LOVE.

Lester proved it over and over again in his life, too…

He discovered that when he sent LOVE to a problem…

The problem would effortlessly resolve itself, or drop away, all by itself.

And when he applied LOVE to something he wanted…

The “thing” or experience he wanted would show up in his life very quickly… in the most astonishing of ways.

He proved that, too.

For example:

Lester applied love to his business situations and the people he dealt with…

And soon he became a multi-millionaire in his business ventures.

Not by “efforting” or trying to “make things happen.”

But simply by applying LOVE and allowing LOVE itself to “make things right and good.”

After discovering how to Release — Lester really did get everything he wanted out of life…

Just by APPLYING LOVE to his situation and the people he encountered.

senior couple piggy back ride

This is what we would like you to experience first-hand, too.

We would like you to get everything you want out of life – just by APPLYING LOVE to your situations and the people in it.

In essence – we’d like to invite you to live with TOTAL ABUNDANCE in all areas of your life, just by APPLYING LOVE.

How do you do that in practice?

Easy: You just do as Lester Levenson did.

And that is to use the Release Technique to turn non-loving feelings into loving feelings.

Yes, it really IS that simple.


If you do only that, and nothing else — every area of your life will spiral upwards and get better and better by the day.

For example:

What would you like to have?

You can HAVE that and more when you Release non-loving feelings about it… and APPLY LOVE to it instead.

What would you like to do?

You can DO that and more when you Release non-loving feelings about it… and APPLY LOVE to it instead.

Who would you like to be?

You can BE that and more when you Release non-loving feelings about it… and APPLY LOVE to it instead.

Yes, really…

Just Release non-loving feelings…

And APPLY LOVE instead…

And for you nothing is impossible.

happy couple on a sailboat

(No matter how bad your current circumstance or how different or crazy the world gets).

See — when you learn to use the Release Technique to turn all non-loving feelings into loving feelings…

The world comes your way.

People come your way.

Money comes your way.

Health comes your way.

Success comes your way.

Happiness comes your way.

Everything in your life suddenly “corrects itself” and works out perfectly.

That’s because REAL LOVE is the greatest power in the universe.

Just as these Releasers have discovered:

Experiences Oneness

“Wow! Yesterday’s calls were great! Last night’s segment with Joe felt like being wrapped up in a cocoon. It was a fabulous feeling of imperturbability. When you experience oneness you feel the love with all. I slept soundly all night long. I am experiencing now how the process of releasing all attachment to any belief is healing.” - Mary-Margaret

Better and Better at Love

“I noticed that I do not desire sugar as I have in the past. I also noticed that it feels better to eat far less and not feel full. These were not conscious decisions, but observations of my behavior. As a result I have more energy and can focus with greater clarity. Life seems to be lot easier. Situations take care of themselves and I am not needed to control them or even be concerned about them. I know they will work out with the best possible outcome.

I have to laugh when speaking to customer service reps, for example, over the last three weeks. There couldn’t be more pleasant, courteous or helpful people on the planet. It’s amazing when you send anyone love before an interaction.” - Judith Belile

Turns Ego & Selfishness into Loving

“Two important aspects that produced huge gains for me were doing the pride exercise everyday and letting go of the aversion to change, completely. The first turned ego selfishness into loving selflessness. The second turned “I can’t” into “I can,” “I have,” and best of all “I am” (abundance, imperturbability).” - Raf Mauro

What will happen when you Release and turn non-loving feelings to loving feelings?

And what will happen when you APPLY LOVE to an issue or problem you’d like to change?

The ONLY way you can know exactly what will happen is to do the Releasing and experience the power of REAL LOVE first-hand.

All we can say is when LOVE IS APPLIED… seeming miracles really do happen.

But you really do HAVE to experience it first-hand.

And that’s why we would like to invite you to participate in the…

woman wearing headphones with a tablet

Love Yourself Telecourse

(May 12 - June 23, 2025).

This NEW telecourse is all about doing the Releasing work required to experience the transformative power of REAL LOVE in your life, first-hand.

See – we know that whatever problems you are encountering in your life…

APPLYING LOVE to problems is always the ULTIMATE SOLUTION.


You can make every mistake and dumb move in the book…

You can make wrong decisions…

You can take all the wrong actions…

You can really screw things up BIG TIME…

Yet, if you would just APPLY LOVE to the situation…

Everything “corrects” itself all by itself… just in the flow of Life.

This is SO important, it bears repeating…

When you Release non-loving feelings and APPLY LOVE instead…

More than even that though…

Loving ourselves is the best thing we can do to help ourselves… AND EVERYONE ELSE.

That’s why we want as many people as possible to experience the Love Yourself Telecourse.


This NEW telecourse is all about doing the Releasing work required to experience first-hand the transformative power of REAL LOVE in your life.

So, you get first-hand experience of how Releasing non-loving feelings and APPLYING LOVE transforms all areas of your life and makes you feel so vibrant and alive inside.

Like Persian mystic Rumi said:

“Love is the bridge between you and everything.”

We would like to “walk that bridge with you” in the Love Yourself Telecourse (May 12 – June 23, 2025).

It will be the most transformative experience of your life.

Love itself will see to that!

Reserve your Space TODAY!

Dates & Times

1 Telecourse a Week,
2 Hours each Session,
Held for Six Mondays

Event time zone is Pacific Time (PST).
Here is a convenient time converter:

Monday, May 12
9:30am - 11:30am and 5:30pm - 7:30pm Monday, May 19
9:30am - 11:30am and 5:30pm - 7:30pm Monday, June 2
9:30am - 11:30am and 5:30pm - 7:30pm NO CLASS MAY 26
Monday, June 9
9:30am - 11:30am and 5:30pm - 7:30pm Monday, June 16
9:30am - 11:30am and 5:30pm - 7:30pm Monday, June 23
9:30am - 11:30am and 5:30pm - 7:30pm

Plus a month long Releasing support!

Save $200

by paying for the class in one installment of just $834!
Credit Cards
Payment Plans available through Shopify.
Convenience: Effortlessly register for classes online.
Flexibility: Choose a payment plan that works best for you.
Accessibility: Start your journey without financial strain.
Enrolling in a class and spreading your payments out over time has never been easier with this new option. So whether you’re looking to deepen your Releasing practice, explore something new or simply get started you can choose a payment plan that works for you.