Money Testimonials

Clearing Stress and Negativity to Find Positivity and Improvement

“I heard Larry Crane on The Wisdom Show and it caught my attention. I listened to a replay and released along with Larry on the call and felt lighter, more at peace and happier.  I bought The Abundance Course and worked with it starting August and released more and more and finished it on September. I was diagnosed with Lou Gehrigs Disease aka ALS in 2002 and left my job in June 2011, so I have health issues and money issues that I want to release. I am happier, more at peace, hove noticed physical improvement in my body.  My voice/speech is improving, I am able to walk better and I am building muscle.
I learned that when I clear/release stress, negativity and limiting beliefs my body will heal itself more than 2 years when I learned another method.  I have been clearing/releasing using many methods to clear my negativity and I have seen improvement but was still frustrated and negative.  The Release Technique is so much more than the other methods.  Even though I was clearing issues, I was still disapproving of and beating up my body.  I love the Release Technique, if we learned this as children we wouldn’t have so many of the problems that we all have.
I still have issues to release, so I am doing the Health & Fitness Mastery Course and The Change your Life Course.”

Gaining Impertubability and Peace with Pracetice

“I have just finished repeating the Goals and Resistance course and have received an amount of over £1,000 which is a goal I had been working on. This was from an unexpected source. Being relatively new to this, I feel I am getting a handle on how it all works. At the very start of working on my goals, I decide to be imperturbable (Step 2) then make sure I totally let go of wanting, and then anything else which is in the way of feeling that I have the goal. More often now, I get to a point where something seems to click, and I know without doubt that I have it. Its a lovely feeling. Even better however, is the feeling of imperturbability and the feeling of peace it brings, and the ability to do this seems to be increasing with practice.

I have now just started the ‘What Do You Want To Do’ course and am looking forward to Harpenden in October.”

With gratitude,
Ian Stead, UK

Releasing Always Brings Answers

“I’ve had The Abundance Course for about two months now and I’ve listened to all the CDs at least twice and most of the bonuses even more often.  The first week I had the course my pocket was picked at a Walmart store.  There was about $400 in cash, 3 credit cards, my driver’s license, Medicare and other ID information in it.  I immediately started releasing on wanting safety and security.  After all, there was enough information in there to steal my identity, not to mention the potential for home invasion, etc.  I continued to release for two weeks and eventually was notified that my wallet had been turned it.  All the cash was missing, but everything else was there.  So I consider it a substantial gain even though I lost some money.

Next, I’ve been diagnosed with an extremely painful and potentially fatal condition that I’ve been dealing with for about nine years.  Although it’s been pretty much under control, I do get flare-ups from time to time that are very painful and usually last indefinitely until I do something drastic like have an infusion of a chemo drug in a medical facility for several hours at a time.  Such a flare happened just before the CYL telecourse last week.  I did some releasing on it and, voila! – It went away in a day instead of… whenever.  To me it was miraculous. I still have a number of physical things to deal with and I love them to death and allow them to leave or stay daily.

Aside from that, during the week of the telecourse I happened to be going through a pile of mail that I had been putting off for a number of weeks (ever do that?) and I found three checks from my health insurance company which I was to use in paying some medical bills that they hadn’t paid.  Not only that, but my income tax refund came in and a contractor for whom I had done some work sent me a reimbursement check for materials I used on his job.  It all added up to around $700.  Although none of it was “new” money, in other words it was all my money in the first place, I still consider it a gain since it all happened as I was releasing.

On another note, you may be aware of the trouble I’ve been having accessing the telephone sessions.  I have no trouble getting through to Maestro.  They always answer my calls immediately, but from then on it’s a fiasco getting on the calls.  This goes for the Wednesday night calls as well as the telecourse calls.  This past Wednesday I tried for fifteen minutes getting the same three messages; 1.) my pin number is invalid or not recognized and I need to re-enter it only to be denied again, 2.) there is no conference scheduled at this time, and 3.) I’m connected but I’m the only one in the conference room.  Since it worked the week before, I tried re-registering to get a new, and hopefully recognizable, pin number.  This finally worked even though Larry has said that we only have to register once and it would be good for all the Wed. night calls.  Last night I wanted to get on the follow up call to the CYL telecourse.  Again, I tried getting on for about fifteen minutes.  After a while it dawned on me — Maybe I’m trying to control the situation.  So before trying it again I decided to release on it.  I let go of wanting to control the situation, and wouldn’t you know it… on my first try I got on the call.  I said to myself, “I’ve got to tell Larry about this.”  So when he asked for more gains I pushed the “1” button on my phone, but evidently it didn’t register over there because he just kept being bewildered that no one was responding to his requests.  Maybe Maestro is not working all that well.  Maybe other callers are having the same trouble. Maybe someone at Maestro or at The Release Technique should do some releasing to get it to work properly and well all the time instead of sporadically.  Am I the only person having this trouble?  It’s hard to believe that only the same handful of people seem to be able to get on the calls and communicate with Larry about releasing.  He did manage to call on me a couple of times during the course, but he initiated it.  I hadn’t pressed the “1” button to “raise my hand”.  

Larry asks everyone who calls in what they are going to do next, encouraging them to sign up for another course immediately.  I still have a lot of work
to do with The Abundance Course and the CYL course before jumping into another one, and even though I’ve had some significant gains, I’m still “taking it for checking”, as Larry says.  I’m still struggling with attachments and aversions, but I know I’ll get it eventually.  This is a great program, and I intend to take many more courses in it.”

Until next Wednesday…


Allowing My Goals to Become Reality with Ease

“I just recently revisited the Goals and Resistance course. I immediately set one of my goals as, “I allow myself to have perfect health at all times with ease.” Since setting that goal a few weeks ago and releasing daily on it I have lost 15 pounds and my pains, especially in my knees, keep getting continually better to the point where they have almost disappeared. 

I also released on allowing myself to have $1,000 or more by releasing only. I got a $2.00/hour raise at my contracting job  which translates to about an extra $320.00 per month. On top of that, I was just told by my company they would give me a check at year end for just over $2,000. Totally out of the blue. So now I’m kicking that up to $5,000. 

Once I’m finished with the course I will move on to the “What I want to be when I grow up course” which I already have and really look forward to. 
I find the key is to continually release and drop the wanting. Just a few nights ago I woke up at 2:00 am with a strong clutching in my stomach.
I began hearing Larry’s words about letting go of wanting and to be imperturbable.

I made an immediate and determined decision right there and then that I was going to be imperturbable and loving no matter what happens. And that I wanted that more than wanting approval, control, or safety. Almost immediately after making the decision my feelings started leaving and continued leaving and I just kept giving my loving approval the entire time. After a few minutes I started smiling and laughing and then rolled over and slept like a baby for the rest of the night.”

With much love and gratitude,
Mike Manjin

Accepting Great and Small Abundance

Releasing made me realize I need to accept ALL the abundance that  comes my way, including small things.

My goal is so large (achievable with the deals I have going) that I was resisting things like doing the design work I did previously for $100 or so a pop and I was resisting my sister giving me her old car because 1.) I wanted a NEW one (a goal) and 2.) I was concerned about insurance – where was the money coming from for insurance? Other gains like a new lawn (my husband squirted the grass with a power hose for so long the grass was washed away. The power hose nozzle  broke “miraculously”) Lawns need maintenance – a gardner which costs monthly.

So anyway I dropped the resistance.

This morning my mom told me she is putting the car on her insurance plan. And my sister and her husband are “snazzing” up the car before they give it to me.

I was afraid that if I settled on the “old car, old job, revamped computer instead of a new one, less than my goal” that I would be  stuck in that old stuff.

My mindset now is that all these new gains are the restarting of my life in abundance. The old car (van) will be used for my husband’s band when I get a brand new car. The design work I can hand off to a new employee when I get my main goal, so building the business now is excellent, etc. It’s all great.

The new method you are doing is really helpful. My mind is (mostly)  quiet now. When it isn’t, it only takes a short time to release and then quiet it again.

Thank you!

P.S. I am releasing on taking another teleconference or course. When I get paid it is one of the first I will do. And I will bring my mom too!

Financial Patience

“There is a creditor my old company owes about $30,000. Due to releasing they have continued to be patient for over a year. They reduced the amount due to $9,000. I was able to pay $2,500.00 about two months ago. I just got a call that they are continuing to work with me (they are holding off filing a lawsuit). The representative told me that out of thousands of cases, I am the only one they have done this with. The rep is very nice and really helping. I love it.”

Thank you!

Letting Go of Wanting to Claim Myself as the Boss of My Life

“Thank you for your love in how much you are giving in this course.

I have had a gain of $4,000 over the past couple of months.

I find I am feeling less pulled into the story of others as I remain open to love as much as possible.

I feel more and more quiet and then a storm of mind appears, which I catch because it is so extreme between one and the other.

Last week there were things I was wanting to happen. Because I was wanting, I found myself in a spin and low energy. I realized I was, in a minor way, still looking to the outside for fulfillment. Having done so much releasing, the minor feels major. Fortunately the minor is released with ease, when I remember that I am the boss.
If I try and force something to happen, I immediately go into a spin and feel depressed. It is though I must remember I AM and allow. Claiming myself as the Boss takes me into CAP and immediately I am larger than any program. Releasing along last week as you worked with someone killing the ego and blowing up the planet put me in touch with a huge repressed power that I have been frightened of. I realized that releasing all wanting is a death to my past and a death to the ego. As I choose imperturbability, those other items will preferably turn up.”


Daily Abundance!

“Thank you everyone for this class, I appreciate it so much!
Besides feeling open, loving and happy daily…I am waking up feeling happy, abundant and imperturbable.
1.  I went to a Yoga Class this AM and forgot my towels for the beach. I was going to turn around and go home, missing the class- when a lady I hadn’t ever seen before drove up to me, asked me some questions about the classes, noticed that I forgot my  towels, she jumped out of the drivers seat in her car and offered me a blanket she had in her vehicle. Then she decided to join me at the class. Perfect!! Very enjoyable.
2.  When I was releasing with my partner this AM, I saw a call coming in from the State of WI, I asked my releasing partner to hold and took the call, it was someone with my own name and she was calling me to inform me that the documents were recorded and my tax bill for 2005 was zeroed out!
I have been working with IRS for the last four years, the State, piggybacking on the IRS original decision of $30K tax bill, deciding they wanted some money too; billed me continuously for the last two years not acknowledging the faxes, mailed in documents that were sent by myself and my CPA, Attorney. The IRS bill was zeroed out. Today, the STATE Zeroed out.”
Thank you!
Cynthia Collins

Moving Forward and Gaining Financially by Releasing

“Here are a few of my gains from the past week:
I received a 36% pay increase on one of my jobs (about an $11,000 gain) and was offered some performance related bonuses as well.
I also do real estate and have one client that has been considering buying for years – literally. Well, finally she is off the fence and moving rapidly.  One of my goals for this course is that we have a property in contract or better.
I am receiving greater clarity on my ‘wanting to control’ and realize that I have been wanting to control my ex by not accepting his choice to be separate from our daughter.
After losing a battle with this same daughter this morning I realized that I had been trying (and failing miserably) to control her also and there is no way I can do Step One and even attempt that.  Once I gave up and released, things moved forward rapidly.  She is 2.5 and absolutely knew it.”
So thank you again Larry.


“Thank you for this teleconference. I am writing to share my gains and to say that I have such a tremendous sense of peace and well being flowing through me at this moment.
This course has helped me in a number of ways:
First before I signed up I unexpectedly received checks in the mail – 2 times to cover the amount.  Since I signed up, I have received so much clarity on how things work.  During the week I was able to overcome an amount of resistance.  Also regarding my work and clients, solutions are appearing to me so easily.  I received a promotion in work this past week also and will be making more money as a result.  But more than anything right now I wish to say thank you for helping me release to get to this wonderful feeling (which I am not holding onto) that is flowing through me.  
I also was able to get rid of a lot of physical items from my space that I has been holding on to for some reason “in case I needed them at a future point” – well just like those thoughts, I won’t be needing them. All is well with me.”

Thank you,

True Value Through The Release Technique!

“The value that you bring to the world with this method far outweighs the price that’s put on your services and products. And as it stands, your products are more than cheap enough already, and there are many organizations out there that charge a lot more and yield less results.”


Gaining Positivity By Releasing Only!

“I bought the Abundance course a couple of months ago and have been doing the releasing diligently at every opportunity I could get. Initially I wasn’t entirely sure if anything was working, although I felt a bit calmer and peaceful. It took a bit of continual releasing to get to a more loving state and to genuinely feel appreciation and love for people and situations that were gifting negativity to me.

I heard of your challenge to get a $100 by just releasing alone. I’m currently unemployed and am getting some benefit from social security to assist me at the moment so $100 wasn’t a clear indication if the releasing actually worked or not since I was already getting more than a $100 in assistance. So I set a target of $1,000 instead to verify that the releasing works. Initially I wasn’t sure how to go about releasing or what to release to get this $1,000. I started to release on anything and everything that I could think of in regards to work and money. I called your support line and they were very helpful and discovered that I had a lot of resistance. It helps to get someone point things out to me when I haven’t quite seen the trees from the forest yet. 🙂 Just a couple of days ago I was going through my bank details and remembered that I had a business account with over $5,000 that was frozen and was under investigation for fraud over 6 months ago because someone I did business with paid me with money that they had supposedly stolen. I called the bank up and no one came forward for that money and the bank released that money to me.

Now my mind would probably have justified that by saying that I already had the money and it has been over six months locked in my account and its obvious that I was going to get that money anyway. Maybe, maybe not. The fact that the money did show up and was released to me after I started releasing with the intention to getting at least $1,000 indicated that something was working. At some points along the way I questioned if I was doing it right and if anything was even working. I think what kicked the releasing into high gear and allowed me to receive the money was giving myself approval. About a day or two before I received the money, I spent almost a whole day continually giving myself approval in regards to almost everything that I came across and in relation to different people and situations in my life. I noticed myself giving myself approval and releasing wanting approval before I went to bed and even whilst I was in bed and physically asleep. There were times when I fell asleep releasing and had dreams of doing the releasing whilst I was physically asleep. It was quite interesting that occasionally I would wake up with a surge of energy rushing through my entire body like an orgasm and it felt like something was energetically peeled off my body, and I would feel a lot lighter and relaxed. My aim now is to see if I can get at least $10,000 or more show up for me by releasing. Wish me luck. 🙂

My reasons for taking the Abundance course: My work situation and getting myself a job that I love and enjoy, and to have great positive cash-flow. I’ve had a phone interview and a face to face interview for a potential job and so far everything looks positive. This is the furthest I’ve gotten to so far in regards to letting a job. Prior to releasing I was barely getting interviews. I’m continuing to release until and even after I actually get the job.

I’d like to say thanks and I am truly grateful for your course and will continue to release. I must be doing something right since things are showing up for me even though I’m still not 100% sure if I am doing it correctly.”


Solutions Coming To Me With Ease Through Love

“Thank you for your help during last night’s call. Early this morning I called my son’s school to speak with the Director and with a lot of “love” – I told her about the difficult place we were. She gave me all the reasons why it was impossible for him to come back to school next year. But with love I asked her for help to find a reasonable solution. She said she will talk to the High School Director and call me back.

She called few minutes ago and her first words were “I have good news.” My son will be taken into school next year with a plan in place to ensure his success.

I am new to releasing, but I can see how it works. Your help in last night call was invaluable.

I will be grateful all my life.”

Sending you Love,

Forever Changed

“Hi Larry,
I took your 30-Day financial freedom, plus extension and change your life this spring.

While at the class money was coming good that month. After the class I created some kind of helish experience, decided to move to Utah from state of Washington and for these past 2 months got pushed in every way possible. On the third day of our arrival here my beloved cat Shiva has disappeared, and no matter what I did she could not be found, and I employed every method to find her. Even talked with Danny and Dennis.
Well what an opportunity to release all hidden stuff, and after last week teleconference I did so much, I fell in peace, I was no longer perturb by any events. I am returning to Washington now this Saturday, to a nice house, and it would be so nice to take my missing, most beloved cat with me.
I decided yesterday to take a day and create a miracle:

I got quiet and thought if Shiva can appear next to me in my night dream then why not in my day dream?
I called on Lester and Jesus and with my permission asked them (commanded them) that they are to teleport Shiva into my house, the same way I see her appear in my night dream.
Then I held the image for the rest of the day as if she has already come back, I saw her in the yard, I saw her inside of the house, I called her name and whisled for her as I used to when she was with me.
Before going to bed at night I took a piece of my clothing  and placed it on the fence outside, put out a small bowl of food on the stairs and left the dog door opened. I was in an attitude of gratitude.
This morning I woke up, and started to go down the stairs as Shiva my cat started to go up the stairs, we met in the middle I scooped her in my arms with such knowingness  (not surprise at all) I just knew that I knew that she would appear in my day dream and rest is history.
Now I know I can do anything, as miracles are just positive thoughts and acting as if it already happened and
not questioning how.
No physical action was required on my part, she appeared out of nowhere in front of me.
I am forever changed by this.”
love, Nadja

Abundance and Freedom

“I have done the ‘Abundance’ course, the ‘Goals Resistance’ course, and now I am working on the ‘What Do I Want to do When I Grow Up’ course.

Here are some of my gains:
$100 by releasing repeatedly, I have a good cash flow, I have let go of a juniper allergy, I have a better program in Alcoholic Anonymous, I have a better connection with beingness (God), work relationships have improved, my singing technique has developed to a higher level by just letting go of resistance and giving it approval, my relationships have improved with others as well as with myself, I have experienced the unlimited Self by using step 6, when I deepen my resolve with step 1 I become more free.

Thank you for sharing the mechanic of releasing, I never knew how to do it before, I thought I did. You made it easy.” – Sean Emery

Letting Go and Gaining

“I took a step toward becoming independent of the family business by going out to Queens College and rehairing and repairing bows for the students there.  I did a reasonable amount of business there considering the short notice of my visit.  I made about $600 that day.  (Sadly, it takes about three weeks to make that much working for my nephew.)  There was great enthusiasm among students, faculty, and even the administration and we have all agreed I will return in the fall.  I think I can make it a regular recurring visit–a couple of times a semester or even every couple of months.  I think I can also arrange something similar at Brooklyn College and also some high schools.  Soon, I will look for a studio to rent.

Working with Larry on Tuesday evening on my goal of improving my eyesight was very helpful.  He helped me let go of wanting the goal.  The next morning on my way to work, I was able to let go of most of my wanting it and had noticeably improved vision.  I have been able to let go of the wanting occasionally almost always notice better and more relaxed vision.

A little while ago, while reading my release workbook, I noticed my eyes being very tense.  The feeling was that I can’t allow my eyes to relax and work properly while I’m doing this (or anything else my attention is focused on).  I brought that to wanting control and safety and let them go.  My intention is now to look out for any situation where feelings and sensations arise around my eyes and then release.

I hope things are good on Lake Tahoe.  I will see you there in September.  Looking forward to it.”


Obtains goal of $200,000

“As you may recall , since October 2011 my money goal has been to allow myself to receive $200,000.00 or more with ease by releasing only. I worked my Goal Chart this afternoon and I realized I had just received written notification of a $211,000.00 gain. Of course, the gain came from an unexpected and overlooked source.” – D.H.

Taking a Leap of Faith To Go All the Way!

“First I want to say that the recent clarificationmade regarding imperturbability vs freedom really helped clear up some confusion that I have had for some time about the goal of the technique. As much as I prize freedom, it doesn’t necessarily allow being in full unconditional love, while being imperturbable can because it means being serene and at peace.

Today I am making a commitment to taking the next 30-day Financial Freedom class  I am in a chapter 13 to save my home from foreclosure. Nothing that I have tried in the last 18 months has worked to solve this. I had a revelation recently that I have been a closet releaser, never making the full commitment. I have had it with living in gentile poverty! I am giving up trying to figure it out! I watched the video at the release web site on the page about the 30-day FF program. It brought tears to my eyes and spoke to my soul  I want to make a quantum leap to the next level and really change my life situation.

I will plan to be on the call on Wednesday and perhaps you can help me release on having the funds to do the course.

Thanks for all you do for us.”


tenant offers to pay more rent

“I own a farm in which I rent out the land. After about 3 yearsI would normally adjust the rent to the gentleman who rents it.We write a contract that lasts for 3 years. Well, over the last couple of years commodity prices for corn and soybeans went pretty high. My contract with the tenant had another year left on it, so I decided to wait. While this was happening, I was listening to the goals and resistance cd’s while I was painting in my house. One night while listening and painting, my renter called me and said he would like to increase his rent payment before the first of the year! So, now I’m receiving $300 a month more! And it will go up considerably each year after for 3 more years! I never said a word to anyone about raising the rent. I felt a contract was a contract and I had to honor that.I have to say, he has been my neighbor all my life and his family and I are good friends and he is a good honest man.” – T.L.

Receiving by Releasing

“I own a farm in which I rent out the land. After about 3 years I would normally adjust the rent to the gentleman who rents it. We write a contract that lasts for 3 years. Well, over the last couple of years commodity prices for corn and soybeans went pretty high. I asked what other farmers were paying for rent next to me and it was Considerably higher than what  I was getting at the time. So I looked at My contract and realized that we had a year left. The other farmers’ Contracts had run out either that year or the year before, that’s why They were paying more. I had a year left on mine so I just decided I would Wait until the contract is up and talk to him next year. While this was happening, (Dec.2011) I was listening to the goals and resistance cd’s while I was painting In my house…I would just listen over and over. One night while listening and painting, my renter called me and said He would like to up the rent before the first of the year! So, for 2012 I’m Receiving $300 a month more! And it will go up considerably each year after for 3 more years! I never said a word to anyone about raising the rent. I felt a contract was a contract and I had to honor that. I have to say, he has been my neighbor all my life and his family and I are good friends and he is a good honest man.”

Abundance Course Products

Two Options to Learn the Abundance Course

Abundance Course CD Set – $279

Online Home Study Course – $199