“I took a step toward becoming independent of the family business by going out to Queens College and rehairing and repairing bows for the students there. I did a reasonable amount of business there considering the short notice of my visit. I made about $600 that day. (Sadly, it takes about three weeks to make that much working for my nephew.) There was great enthusiasm among students, faculty, and even the administration and we have all agreed I will return in the fall. I think I can make it a regular recurring visit–a couple of times a semester or even every couple of months. I think I can also arrange something similar at Brooklyn College and also some high schools. Soon, I will look for a studio to rent.
Working with Larry on Tuesday evening on my goal of improving my eyesight was very helpful. He helped me let go of wanting the goal. The next morning on my way to work, I was able to let go of most of my wanting it and had noticeably improved vision. I have been able to let go of the wanting occasionally almost always notice better and more relaxed vision.
A little while ago, while reading my release workbook, I noticed my eyes being very tense. The feeling was that I can’t allow my eyes to relax and work properly while I’m doing this (or anything else my attention is focused on). I brought that to wanting control and safety and let them go. My intention is now to look out for any situation where feelings and sensations arise around my eyes and then release.
I hope things are good on Lake Tahoe. I will see you there in September. Looking forward to it.”