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“There is such a miracle happening I have to tell you about it…I’m in awe.

I’ve been releasing on Gerry (former husband who had the stroke, lost most of his vision, a lot of memory and judgment, etc…). He’s at an assisted living facility. As I release on him so I feel nothing but love for him, no worry….he is healing. It’s a miracle. His thoughts are straightening out and today he told me that half the pain in his body is gone. He has the method and I told him to release too…he can, but it’s hard for him…so I keep releasing on him…feeling only love for him, no worry,  and he’s making gains others thought were impossible…Day by day he’s becoming clearer…last night he played the piano for me. Beautifully. He;s writing poetry too… I’m in complete awe. I’m releasing constantly on him now…and I can’t and won’t stop.”

Love to you and blessings,